Recent content by PfQ

  1. PfQ

    15 Reason To Hate (Er,... I Could Do Without ) Ba Living...

    San Telmo is, out of all of them, the neighborhood where foreigners get scammed the most.
  2. PfQ

    15 Reason To Hate (Er,... I Could Do Without ) Ba Living...

    Hahaha. That's a wonderful one, but again, I'm sure there's plenty of people like that in every country. I know I've met plenty, and even assumed the role at times.
  3. PfQ

    15 Reason To Hate (Er,... I Could Do Without ) Ba Living...

    In most countries foreign words are pronounced as if they had been written in the local language. (Hence why 'live' becomes 'leebe' and so on.) People within their own countries mostly interact with co-nationals, within their own language, so they don't usually bother changing their...
  4. PfQ


    Don't misconstrue my meaning. Empanadas are traditionally Spanish (at least under that name) and as such are a 'foreign' food that has over the years assumed a strong national identity here in Argentina. Likewise, my mother is of immigrant heritage but strongly identifies as an Argentinian...
  5. PfQ


    Hi there. My name is Pablo, and I am not, technically speaking, an expat. I was born in Buenos Aires, I speak fluent Spanish Porteño, and my mother's as Argentinian as dulce de leche and empanadas. However, I've been living outside of the country for the past 20 years or so, speaking, more than...