Recent content by recapitulation

  1. R

    Organic Food Some of it is organic.
  2. R

    Sushi & Delivery

    I like They have creamcheese, avocado salmon rolls like someone mentioned, but I don't like cream cheese in my sushi. Others seem to enjoy them when I've ordered. I like their sashimi!
  3. R

    Looking For Argentine Bands Recommendations

    Les Mentettes - They sing in English, so if you're looking for Spanish vocals you'll have to look elsewhere. 107Faunos - indie rock Bahia Inutil - Chilean group La Bombachita - Drumming...
  4. R


    Also, why isn't the stuff about Bond Street making the news? That seems odd .
  5. R

    Expats Who Went Back Home: What Was It Like?

    Visiting home entails putting on the expat 15 (lbs). After being away for over a year, I went a little crazy during my month back and said yes to everything that I'd ever eaten at any point and could not find in Buenos Aires. There's definitely a greater variety of crunchy snacks and chocolate...
  6. R

    Information Re: Adderall

    Maybe you could go on vacation to Uruguay or Chile and have them shipped to you with a US-filled prescription. This thread may help:
  7. R


    Yeah, I've seen the motorbike thing before, and usually it's one rider and a person on back. Once a woman on the side walk on Cordoba and Thames had her purse snatched, another time I saw a guy trying to flag a cab off of Cordoba with something in his hand, and the people on the motorbike stole...
  8. R


    The worst thing that's happened to me was having my wallet pick pocketed in a club. This has been a crazy couple of months though. Is anyone else noticing an uptick in violence or are we just anomalies? A month or two ago around 4 or 5pm in DeliCity near Sante Fe (Palermo) - a guy who kept his...
  9. R

    Kleenex With Lotion

    I haven't seen anything. I would just put chapstick all around nose and mouth, that seems to help prevent my face from cracking and falling on the floor. Chapstick stings less than most lotions. I miss puffs plus, too.
  10. R

    Type Of Power Converter Needed?

    What does a surge protector look like? The ones below don't seem right. I've only ever bought power strips with surge protection built in, but I haven't seen that here, just the white one posted above.
  11. R

    Container Gardening / Balcony Gardening

    Also, has anyone composted here? I found this link: but that pacha brand seems to be defunct as a source for containers. Or, they don't do online sales.
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    Container Gardening / Balcony Gardening

    I don't know if any of you had aphids, but I was a little leery of the insecticide I bought at the store as it had to be replied every month and a half, and that seems pretty strong to me. I googled for aphids, and at least on the flower I have now - I think it's a tiger lily, sticking cut up...
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    Container Gardening / Balcony Gardening

    There's a lady who sits on Scalabrini Ortiz near the Coto at El Salvador and sells hot peppers. I'm pretty sure she sometimes has habaneros because I tried using half of a single pepper, no seeds, inner skin scraped (that I had an inkling was hot) in corn bread and it made my Argentine dinner...
  14. R

    Container Gardening / Balcony Gardening

    You guys are awesome. So...soil at Easy and hopefully clay will not be an issue, if it is, add perlita. Got it. I hunted on Mercado Libre for seeds and found some vegetables I had never heard of! Thanks much.
  15. R

    Container Gardening / Balcony Gardening

    Hi! Has anyone done any gardening here...successfully? I've gotten soil from Mario Vivero. While I like their plants, the soil tends to be very compacted or maybe it's got too much clay. I've also had tons of problems with bugs infestations - aphids, white flies, mealy bugs, spider mites, green...