Recent content by Zemalla

  1. Zemalla

    Good Real Estate Agent(Cy)?

    Hello! can anyone recommend a good RE agency or an agent? Who would respond and take actions immediately? quite fed up from promised calls back or emails that I never get, and the time is running out. thanks in advance!
  2. Zemalla

    How Safe Is Ba?

    Thanks a lot to all u guys. It was not my intention to create a subject for an argument. I've read already and keep on reading a lot about Argentina, but I don't trust official statistics in general, that's why wanted to hear live stories from real people :) I lived for very long time in Dubai...
  3. Zemalla

    How Safe Is Ba?

    Hello everyone! Am planning to move to Argentina, BA by end of this year. I know that Latin America is not the safest place in general, but I hear from some people, that Buenos Aries is very dangerous place to live... I would highly appreciate to hear your experiences on this matter. Thanks in...