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  1. K

    Spanish lessons - An alternative to UBA

    Hi there, sorry for the late reply to the previous posts. My budget is limited so cheap as possible. Ironically I am working in a famous language company however their prices are very high so all my salary plus some would go to them. Thanks again for all the suggestions, I'm now starting to go...
  2. K

    Spanish lessons - An alternative to UBA

    Hi there, I just realised that I missed the UBA start date of when their Spanish lessons started and next batch commence in October. Does anyone have any suggestions of where one could study Spanish in the next few weeks without paying loads of money?
  3. K

    Best place for changing Euros into Pesos?

    Katti I think your right in saying that the place I go to wasn't up to date as I went yesterday and the rate had increased considerably from the other day, closer in line with the current slightly upward trend. It looks like the Euro might hit 1 to 5 pesos soon, which was closer to how it was 2...
  4. K

    Best place for changing Euros into Pesos?

    Quick question for the floor, in the past I've always used this exchange house to change my Euros into Pesos which at times gives very good rates and does'nt ask for ID etc. However I went yesterday to the place and the rates were'nt great. Just wondering where do other people go? The rate they...
  5. K

    New to Buenos Aries from Ireland

    Hi Liam, I'm currently staying at my Girlfriend's mothers place, she is Argentinian. We are looking at the moment for an apartment to live, non touristy one as I plan staying here for 2 years if I can. My current holiday working visa is for 9 months but I'm hoping that either I can get sponsored...
  6. K

    New to Buenos Aries from Ireland

    Hey there Liam good to hear from you. Did you come here on a holiday working visa or do you leave the country every 3 months? It's great to come across someone from Ireland who has also moved over here. What do you do for work? Kieran.
  7. K

    New to Buenos Aries from Ireland

    Hi there just moved over on Friday from Dublin, Ireland. Though it's not my first time being here, it is my first time attempting to live and work in Argentina. I must admit I feel a little overwhelmed, however I know once I have started to improve on my pigeon Spanish that things will get...