New to Buenos Aries from Ireland


Jul 5, 2010
Hi there just moved over on Friday from Dublin, Ireland. Though it's not my first time being here, it is my first time attempting to live and work in Argentina. I must admit I feel a little overwhelmed, however I know once I have started to improve on my pigeon Spanish that things will get easier. From an earlier post I noticed that UBA appears to be quite well priced for their intensive Spanish courses, any recent Spanish learners here?
Hi there - Also from Ireland, and living here for 8 months now. I attended UBA in January and Feb for the intensive courses. They are tough if, like me, you were coming with little background Spanish, but the price is good, the teachers great, and met some very interesting people on the course too.

Aside from that, welcome to BsAs, and look out for the get togethers for drinks etc., from here, we do it often enough...
Hey there Liam good to hear from you. Did you come here on a holiday working visa or do you leave the country every 3 months? It's great to come across someone from Ireland who has also moved over here. What do you do for work?
klom said:
Hey there Liam good to hear from you. Did you come here on a holiday working visa or do you leave the country every 3 months? It's great to come across someone from Ireland who has also moved over here. What do you do for work?
he goes drinking with me,full time;)hehe welcome Kieran:)
So says Howard the part-timer.... Another session with Jo and Caroline yesterday ;0 - Where were you?

Kieran, I'm down here on a career break from the Revenue. I am getting paid "not" to work from home, and I supplement my income with some teaching (as do so many ex-pats)... Yep, I am on the "90 days and go for a trip Visa" - which isn't too bad, and despite what some on here post from time to time, is perfectly acceptable and legal, and I've never had any problems.

Where are you staying?
Liam3494 said:
So says Howard the part-timer.... Another session with Jo and Caroline yesterday ;0 - Where were you?

Kieran, I'm down here on a career break from the Revenue. I am getting paid "not" to work from home, and I supplement my income with some teaching (as do so many ex-pats)... Yep, I am on the "90 days and go for a trip Visa" - which isn't too bad, and despite what some on here post from time to time, is perfectly acceptable and legal, and I've never had any problems.

Where are you staying?
Liam,do you mean Christine?--ended up not making it yesterday as Luke had a fever:mad:
Ooopss - Me and my memory, I am hopeless with names Henry!!!

The hash was great fun, Christine ran the whole thing, and Jo arrived alte, and they seemed to both really enjoy it... Then we went back to The Gibraltar after the asado, met up with Luciano (he had been working) and had far too many beers :)... A good day, and the reason why I don't work on Mondays :)
Hi Liam, I'm currently staying at my Girlfriend's mothers place, she is Argentinian. We are looking at the moment for an apartment to live, non touristy one as I plan staying here for 2 years if I can. My current holiday working visa is for 9 months but I'm hoping that either I can get sponsored or that it will be possible to leave the country every three months once my visa has expired. However see what happens. Thanks for the warm welcome!

By the way I'm a Graphic Designer so if anyone has any work let me know.