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  1. S

    Cfk Leggings Cause Uproar In Political Act...!!

    You know a few words of spanish and you think you are an expert on Argentina and Latin America . How can you write on a country and profess to be an expert when you cannot even speak the language . As I have said before your books are for nieve and gullible expats certainly no argentinians of...
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    Cfk Leggings Cause Uproar In Political Act...!!

    You cannot handle the truth . I do not like your books. :)
  3. S

    Cfk Leggings Cause Uproar In Political Act...!!

    She is a low class woman with no morals nor class like Evita
  4. S

    Wierd Buenos Aires

    Yes and your lovely country has very low crime rate and people smile and greet you with flowers when they pass you on the street . Yes the USA is nirvana on earth
  5. S

    Which Is The Best Country For Immigrants?

    Arlean maybe you can team up with him and write a book on the organic food movement of Argentina and write where one can buy gmo free food here in Buenos Aires . You can also teach us all your secrets for long life and beauty to all those expats who require a foreign stamp of everything to...
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    Which Is The Best Country For Immigrants?

    You cannot take the fact that I do not like your books . They are for nieve and gullible expats . Thank you and have a nice day
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    Which Is The Best Country For Immigrants?

    You have no right to come here to judge me . Who do you think you are ? I have looked at some of your posts and you come across as a very nieve woman who believes in tooth fairies and that everything is right . Life is not perfect do you know and people are not perfect and there is no such...
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    Which Is The Best Country For Immigrants?

    And I am sure that you treat your wife with the disdain you treat us all here in Argentina . Go back to the Shilenos and your beautiful Santiago .
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    Which Is The Best Country For Immigrants?

    Your books on the Southern Cone are for gullible people fullstop .You pretend you understand our culture but you only understand ignorance .
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    Which Is The Best Country For Immigrants?

    And boring like you are and your boring books that you try to sell to a gullible public .
  11. S

    Which Has The Better Economy: Argentina Or Chile?

    Yes and your reality that many do not agree with . By the way your books on Argentina are most unknowleagable and even my 12 year son could write better than you !
  12. S

    Senatgreen Light To Bomb Syria....!!

    You people speak of war as a game of might . 1 million dead in Iraq , 100,000 dead in Libya , 20,000 dead in Egypt . Mothers suffering terribly but the typical western woman is only interested in her IPAD and her facebook and her right to abort her baby . There is no country that is better off...
  13. S

    My Citizenship Dni Is Ready And Will Be Delivered Next Week!

    Too trust lawyers in this country is a fools paradise . They are all the same with only their interests in hand and to complicate peoples live as to make more money .
  14. S

    Argentina's Debt And The "fondos Buitres"

    You are very wise Rich one you think but millions in Argentina are suffering because of people like you with the attitude of eating at the bones of a diseased cow . Argentina is broke dead broke and still they want to squeeze the last drop of milk from the sick and dying cow.
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    Question Re: Commission

    I am sorry but you wish to find someone who does not charge commission for working for you . Argentina has very strict labour laws to stop the exploitation of workers that is prevalent in most of the world .
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    Lots Of Money Found. What Would You Do?

    You are making comments that are very untrue . The banks keep records of all transactions and they will make sure that it is given to the rightful owner .
  17. S

    Abortion Pills In Argentina

    I like to know why you are have this stance on an illegal act in Argentina ? There is nothing safe about abortion as the mother afterwards is never ever the same again .I suggest that you read up on this and see the devasting effects that this has on woman and their fragile emotional state...
  18. S

    Abortion Pills In Argentina

    I have three beautiful children and to think that I would abort one just as it could be a financial convenience makes my body and heart shudder. Abortion is illegal in Argentina and I am happy for this . To those feminist woman who thinks it is their right to deny a new soul the right to life...
  19. S

    What Was Cristina Up To In The Seychelles Islands?

    The Seychelles is a paradise on earth and I could live there happily for eternity .
  20. S

    Colonia Express Vs Buquebus

    I find Buquebus the best and travel First class as the difference in price is very little .