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  1. J

    Has anyone seen a "Dri Buddi"?

    We used something like this in the past. You hang it from the wall in your lavadero (you will need a drill or somebody who can install it there for you). It works great! If you hang the clothes properly you can even skip ironing :P...
  2. J

    Pork Knuckle, 16 pesos a kilo (Mercado central)

    HOLY CANOLI! That is awesome French! Hmmm Beer + honey + red pepper power + cilantro + lime + minced garlic... mix it all, pour the mixture over the pork, cover with a bag the night before and place in the fridge... then into the oven. Half an hour per pound and you got yourself a treat...
  3. J

    Building robbery

    ding ding ding!
  4. J

    What are they thinking?

    Or when you tell someone "hey you just dropped something" and you get an "ANDA CAGA!". Don't ask me how I know.
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    Building robbery

    RicardoBA, you are comparing the actions of a mad man with the lack of law enforcement and impunity thugs seems to enjoy in a whole country, not just BA? I think you are not only missing the point but also displaying the same delusional condition CFK suffers. What is it with denying that BA or...
  6. J

    Building robbery

    Guys, I think there was at least one crime that ended in death.... in... hmmm... India... yesterday... just saying... in case you want to paste it here and compare it to BA... you know... because it seems like... comparable...
  7. J

    Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    Well I for one appreciate your input. Is funny how the comments as to what the current situation is would vary from argentine citizen to argentine citizen. Like I said yesterday in another thread... I was a lurker on this forum for about 2 years... but as of late I feel the need to do a reality...
  8. J

    Feliz Dia de la Primavera!

    GET HER ONE! this is the day spring, youth AND WOMEN beauty are celebrated (usually referring to them with corny sayings like "the most beautiful flower in my garden"... I think this is THE day when they don't mind it!). If you got girls, or mom in law, etc nearby prepare to get multiples.
  9. J

    Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    Thanks iznogud, I hope I didn't come across too blunt by asking you that. As sleslie23 says the "Preper" or "survivalist" mentality is always fascinating, specially those that resort to guns as the prime mean of survival. This guy is way out there as I just saw in his blog. I don't mean to...
  10. J

    Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    Oh man this gaveme the goosebumps... this is exactly the scenario I'm having nightmares about. I got a baby boy coming in October and 2 girls under 10. Just trying to put myself in Iznogud shoes and I have no idea what to do. Not trying to hijack or derail the thread, but if you (Iznogud)...
  11. J

    What's your hobby? Show me yours and I'll show you mine...

    No sh*t! Have you seen the thread from entraderas? I had to pull out my old army nomex suit plus all the kevlar I could find lol Actually I have been a lurker for a good 2 years now, but as of late I'm finding myself in need to connect with somebody from "outside" if for nothing else than to...
  12. J

    What's your hobby? Show me yours and I'll show you mine...

    Morgan! YOU RASCAL... we met before in PV and one of the old Barcamps. Nice to see you are still around... and yet absolutely not surprised about your hobby lol
  13. J

    Paypal to cash (pesos or USD)

    Hey guys, My wife has some Paypal credit she needs to turn into currency. Any recomendations? I'm scared shirtless about ordering a cheque from Paypal only to find out it is not accepted locally later. Anybody got any ideas?. Anybody leaving the country willing to trade bills for Paypal $$$...
  14. J

    IMF about to censure Argentina

    I can see why! In a word? corruption. And before the trigger happy "ya talking bad about Argentina" yaahoos load theirs weapons, YES there is corruption everywhere in the world. Here it just seems to be more disclosed and impune. The former more than probably due to the latter.
  15. J

    Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    Even if you are right, and we are all "denialists" it doesn't make BA any safer. I could be coming from a slum country full of drug lords with Darth Vader himself handing out Viagra pills to every rapist and issuing M16s to street gangs and it still wouldn't matter, for the subject is the...
  16. J

    Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    Hmmm sorry guys I just HAD to ask, where exactly are you from HGQ2112?
  17. J

    Vacations: Labor Law in Argentina

    Oh, and also. Some companies here have timeframes for vacations. For instance I worked at 2 different companies where you could take vacations only on Jan, Feb and Mar. I know because I wanted to take July to go to the mountains and I couldn't :/
  18. J

    Vacations: Labor Law in Argentina

    I'm not an expert, just an employee, but AFAIK it is like this: You can take weeks (or at least at my job we can) but not DAYS. It is not like PTO were you can take a day in Feb then 2 days in March, etc. You can split the weeks, but you take the whole week, and that includes any holidays in...
  19. J

    What's your hobby? Show me yours and I'll show you mine...

    Here be nerds... you have been warned! :D With 2 girls I don't really have that much spare time BUT I am into a few things: - Scale modeling (I'll probably take fire for this).... yes I assemble teeny tanks and airplanes. I even managed to place locally in the contests. - Airplane Spotting...
  20. J

    Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    BOOM! This is what I'm talking about!