Search results

  1. N

    Racism in BA, am I alone?

    ;) exactly! I'm not blue eyes, I'm dark and stuff. Ppl give me the look. And idk, Argentines are hispanics too, europeans or not, go the the north... buenos aires ppl are not the only argentines. :)
  2. N

    Couldn't quite belive this!!!

    :eek: i dont know about that. I think it really depends on how you look and where you're coming from. My personal experience here is that people are pretty ignorant and it comes out in racism, and i havent been in a place where ALL THE TIME skin color-eyes color say something about your...
  3. N

    Argentina history books?

    hey, if you want a really cool Argentine Book buy anything from pablo gerchunoff, he's awesome and very objective. as well, i recommend to you to watch "algo habrán hecho por la historia argentina", it's an awesome show. <3 ps: im not argentine and i learned a lot with those 2.
  4. N

    New in the site.

    Thanks! I'm from San José. And yes, i miss it a lot, i miss sleeping without traffic noises. i miss the rain after lunch and the food jajaj :( Thanks, ive enjoyed it so far, but i dont think i want to stay here forever, neither CR. and hell no, i dont like or dance salsa, not even a lil. i...
  5. N

    New in the site.

    it happens to me all the time too. i think im less scared now, at the beginning it was lile :)...:confused:...:eek:...:( now i just have like a general idea about the streets and the city. I'm from Costa Rica, you? :P
  6. N

    Racism in BA, am I alone?

    Yeah :( it's terrible. Once, I went to a bra store. BRAS, OK! I NEED TO TAKE MY TIME. And i went there after work, i dont produce myself a lot when going to the office, and i spent like 30m looking for the right bra. The girl told me "negra (which is very offensive here), dejate de joder...
  7. N

    english speaking hairdressers

    Awn, ill help you if you want jajaja. Im native spanish speaker and they dont get "my" spanish. Even worse, once i cut my hair with a deaf guy :eek:
  8. N

    New in the site.

    I've been in BsAs for year and a half. The hardest thing in the city had been making friends. Most of the people I know are foreigner, so the leave fast. Yeah, call me forever alone. :o
  9. N

    Crime in BsAs - anyone?

    Rat tails every where :confused:
  10. N

    Spicy food in BA

    Thai food at Gibraltar is nice, it's not that spicy thou.
  11. N

    Argentine citizenship for foreigners?

    I think it's not that hard if you know how to play your cards. Some people register on a public School and they do all the procedure for a semester. The thing is that you should do it in a cicle. It's not that easy after the 1st time. you can do this as an emergency thing, but not a regular basis.
  12. N

    Anyone have Fibertel Wideband?

    i do have fibertel. i hate it. and those promotions are pure crap :(
  13. N

    Crime in BsAs - anyone?

    Pick-Pocket victim here. I was riding a bus, close to recoleta and someone stole my wallet with 800 pesos on it, and my CDI. Terrible, I said in spanish, out loud "someone just stole me", nobody did anything. i was so upset, almost cried. it was terrible. But that's not the only thing. I...
  14. N

    Hello everybody!

    Hey there. I'm new in the site, old in the city. Bars: -Gibraltar (Perú and EEUU), it's a nice english bar, but sometimes the music is way to loud and it could be crowded. Good food. -Sugar (Costa Rica and Armenia), cool american bar. Sometimes music is like being back in 2002 and could be...