Anyone have Fibertel Wideband?


Feb 3, 2008
I've seen some posts on Twitter about people being offered Fibertel Wideband service. Supposedly it is 30 Mbps for $300 pesos/month with a 250GB cap.

I'm not back in Buenos Aires until October, but I wanted to see if it was generally available or is only being offered to certain people/areas? Anyone have it or get offered it?
Sleuth said:
I've seen some posts on Twitter about people being offered Fibertel Wideband service. Supposedly it is 30 Mbps for $300 pesos/month with a 250GB cap.

I'm not back in Buenos Aires until October, but I wanted to see if it was generally available or is only being offered to certain people/areas? Anyone have it or get offered it?
a 250 cap at $300 pesos per mo.? That sounds pretty sucky. Why the cap?
ghost said:
a 250 cap at $300 pesos per mo.? That sounds pretty sucky. Why the cap?

This cap seems to becoming more and more the standard. My Comcast account in the States also has a 250GB cap now. It's amazing how much that actually is - in July, I used 83GB and in August I used 123GB. This is with a lot of downloading too...

This is really to prevent the big downloaders from sucking up too much bandwidth.
I have Fibertel. I just got my 3 MB service upgraded to 6 MB. I went to their site just now, to make sure of what I was going to say:

I upgraded my service about two weeks ago. What's funny is when I upgraded, they also offered a 10 MB (500 pesos) and 15 MB (1000 pesos I THINK) service. Now they don't - it stops at 6 MB.

For Cablevision clients, the cost after the promotions go away for 6 MB is 180 pesos (109 for six months, 140 for 6 months, then the full price).

I've never seen something as high as 30 MB offered to regular consumers. Maybe their corporate plans offer it, but there is no way it will be 200 pesos.
Fibertel is a darned sight better than Arnet or Speedy.
We're moving soon, from Benavidez to La Lucila and will definitely be getting the 6 mb package with Cablevision HD.
Just thought I would check back and see if anyone upgraded to Fibertel Evolution yet and what they thought of it.

I'm currently paying $179/mo for Fibertel 6 Mbps and the speed is almost always around 12 Mbps. I'm not sure if paying $350/month for 30 Mbps is worth it or not, and was hoping to hear from someone who has it already...
I HAVE Fibertel 30 megas, no cap. Pay 700 pesos per month.
Have it since August, worked on and off for diff rewsons but overall I get at 28 to 32 download and 3 megas upload..

Didnt pay for august and september just since October..too many issues since it was brand new, we Were and maybe are the only ones in the country with this service.
It was so new it took 3 visits to install since they had no experience and no one what they were doing...
Sleuth said:
Just thought I would check back and see if anyone upgraded to Fibertel Evolution yet and what they thought of it.

I'm currently paying $179/mo for Fibertel 6 Mbps and the speed is almost always around 12 Mbps. I'm not sure if paying $350/month for 30 Mbps is worth it or not, and was hoping to hear from someone who has it already...

This is interesting. I pay 130$ for 3MB but you can't imagine the negative energy this brings in the house. (who's downloading? who's watching a movie?etc) as the speed feels as if it is 0.

Just wondering, what does the speed/capacity of the router do? Does this have a max? I might consider upgrading.