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  1. K

    Good camera store?

    Hey, Thanks for everyone's advice. I ended up buying a new Canon 450D on mercadolibre (Mirtan Online) for $930 dollars. I understand that I could have bought one in the USA and had it shipped, but I got conflicting accounts from different people on whether or not this was safe. Now, I'm...
  2. K

    Laptop safety at Wi-Fi Hotspots

    I've been using my laptop at wifi hotspots in retiro, recoleta, palermo, and san telmo now for about a year without issues.As someone else suggested, as long as you are indoors you should be fine. Also, don't carry it in a 'laptop bag' -- no point in making yourselves a target. I carry mine in...
  3. K

    Remembering 2002

    JG, Given the situation in America right now, why do you think the next crisis will happen here? Ken
  4. K

    Job opportunity for Estonian, French, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Romanian and Slovak spea

    Probably the idea is that no one over 30 would be desperate/stupid enough to work for the wages they're prepared to pay.Ken
  5. K

    Will the election increase expatrism?

    Want to hear something funny? A healthy salad/sandwich place just opened up 2 weeks ago next to Pura Vida on Reconquista near Lavalle. I always glance at their prices on my way to Pura Vida, they seem a bit more pricey. Anyway, they just increased the price of the chicken wrap by the door from...
  6. K

    Will the election increase expatrism?

    As an expat, it's tempting to compare prices and salaries to Europe or America. But I am curious -- what about Brazil? I hear that Rio is much more expensive than Buenos Aires -- do Brazilians make much more money than Argentines? What is inflation like in Brazil right now? Anyone know?Ken
  7. K

    How Do you Feel About This Huge Economic Mess ???

    Well, now they're saying they will bail out the foreign banks too. Somehow I can't imagine that playing well with the Republican base. Haha. Ken
  8. K

    How Do you Feel About This Huge Economic Mess ???

    There is a silver lining to the mess however; it will probably help the Democrats in the elections. Certainly the days of the Republicans being thought of as the party of fiscal responsibity are over. Ken
  9. K

    How Do you Feel About This Huge Economic Mess ???

    It just blows my mind to consider what is happening: that we are going to print 700 billion new dollars (no mention of new taxes, so we're just inflating the money supply I guess) to bail out a bunch of investment banks.I keep hearing about how the alternative is an impossible nightmare; the...
  10. K

    Will the election increase expatrism?

    Where are you paying 41 pesos for a cheese and tomato pizza? I'm still paying 25-30 pesos, depending on toppings...and that's at Filo, which is way more upscale than most pizza places.I agree with you on your main point, which is that inflation here is very high. Ken
  11. K

    VP Palin interview on ABC TV TERRIFYING

    yeah, I've seen this game before. It's Hitler. The other two are probably Jefferson or Washington, and Lincoln. Ken
  12. K

    VP Palin interview on ABC TV TERRIFYING

    Stan, first of all I would like to applaud your choice to do the right thing and support Barack Obama. Stan, what do you call someone who consistently says they're against waterboarding, then votes against banning it? I call them a liar and a hypocrite. John McCain says he's against...
  13. K

    VP Palin interview on ABC TV TERRIFYING

    See, now the Republicans have figured out that they've screwed up the country so bad that they can't run as Republicans anymore. So they make the ridiculous assertion (which StanExpat just eats up) that there isn't much difference between them and the Democrats. That's putting lipstick on a...
  14. K

    VP Palin interview on ABC TV TERRIFYING

    There's a huge amount of difference between the candidates. Obama has a liberal voting record, McCain's is extremely conservative. McCain is pandering to the extremist wacko religious right -- just look at his VP choice! Obama isn't. McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time. How often do...
  15. K

    VP Palin interview on ABC TV TERRIFYING

    Syngirl is right. Think how different the world would be now if 300 more democrats in Florida in 2000 had voted. Ken
  16. K

    Lehman Bros. in Bankruptcy/B of A buys Lynch

    I am no economist, but my guess would have been that argentina would weather a global finance meltdown pretty well. It's a commodities exporter, and while commodities are down over the last few months, they're still up hugely over the last few years. It's disconnected from the global financial...
  17. K

    VP Palin interview on ABC TV TERRIFYING

    If the Democrats run decent, thoughtful people, and the Republicans run McCain and a wacko, and the the American people vote for the wacko, it isn't the fault of the Democrats. It's the fault of the American people. In democracy, you get the leader you deserve. Ken
  18. K

    Good camera store?

    Well, I went to the Cosentino on Saenz Peña today, and it's certainly the best camera store I have found in BA, but it too stocks obsolete models, for the most part, even though it is a Canon dealer. It did have the 1DS-MkIII (totally out of my price range , even in the states ) and the 40D...
  19. K

    Will the election increase expatrism?

    Well, I don't find it all that surprising that there are Americans in this thread who don't consider gulags and torture to be any big deal. That's pretty much why I left America. Ken
  20. K

    Will the election increase expatrism?

    And with regards to the Dirty War here...well, yeah, that was an awful time, and I wouldn't have wanted to live in Argentina then. But, my understanding is that the Argentine government is no longer kidnapping people and torturing them. Does anyone here have evidence to the contrary? And by...