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  1. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    My experience with Argentina's bureaucracy and banking thus far has been tragically, bordering on comically, disorganized thus far. The left hand of it's ministries doesn't seem to know what the right hand is doing. That's not to say that improvements won't be made and I'm certain it will as...
  2. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report seems the scheme is not so much just "declaring" what you have abroad but also depositing it in Argentina to invest in their limited options. A gimmick to obviously shore up dollar reserves. "In the case of cash, it must be deposited in a Special Asset Regularization Account ...
  3. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    Hi Alby, An insightful post. I'm curious, did your taxation lawyer have any comments about expats taking advantage of the recent "blanqueo de capitales" offer? It seems to apply to Argentines that moved tax residence and are being coaxed back to Argentina through this scheme. I'd be curious if...
  4. LuckyLuke

    USA cell phone number to use in Argentina

    Howdy Brink, Search the forum for "VOIP" and you'll see plenty of suggestions.
  5. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    Personally, I think it's probably unlikely they will ever connect those dots. Unless you are liquidating a huge amount of money per month I think AFIP has bigger fish to try. Tax evasion down here is practically an Olympic sport second only to Futbol. AFIP's largest problem is probably...
  6. LuckyLuke

    Argentina must repudiate its debt

    It's my understanding that IMF loans right now are not new loans to add to the existing outstanding debt. This is explained in the article here: They are just extending existing scheduled loan repayments to avoid Milei from having to take punitive bridge loans at unfavorable terms or form...
  7. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    I don't believe the residency matters, what matters is whether your money movements are being associated to an Argentine Tax ID number (DNI/CUIL). You can opt out of the formal system by using a foreign ID and liquidating foreign cash and none would probably be the wiser. This is no different...
  8. LuckyLuke

    Argentina must repudiate its debt

    I've often read that inflation is a monetary event and hyperinflation is a socio-political event. The IMF is still waiting for the central bank to pay real positive interest on it's benchmark rate and not a constant lag of inflation. That would probably help shore up confidence instead of...
  9. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    It's my understanding that cash Western Union transfers using your passport are not accessible by AFIP. You could theoretically live down here en negro the way you described but it requires being a permanent tourist, which can be expensive and unstable.
  10. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    AFIP already knows all and sees all. Many just don't realize it. All of it is connected to your DNI. Every business en blanco needs to invoice their revenue & expenses to a DNI or CUIL. Every time you enter your DNI in a POSNET at a restaurant or almacen, it's registered in a centralized record...
  11. LuckyLuke

    Looking For An Accountant With English, Can U Recommend?

    You can always hire a reputable spanish accountant and an interpreter. Plenty of translator students down here that speak excellent english.
  12. LuckyLuke

    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    You would love it here in Neuquen, local veduleria charged me 9500 kg for celery. I had to blink a couple times on that one.
  13. LuckyLuke

    Do Birth and Marriage Certificates Expire for PR Applications?

    I did my permanent residency last year through marriage and no, there was no expiration date for either my birth certificate apostille or marriage certificate apostille. My wife however, did have to get a seal for her Argentine birth certificate and it couldn't be older than 30 days I believe...
  14. LuckyLuke

    Housekeeper pay

    I don't recall calling anyone lazy. The market rate is set based on supply/demand and the relative cost of other goods. You are correct about your friend, sadly demand is suffering in the face of recessionary headwinds and this depresses wages. Many housekeepers may leave the sector in search of...
  15. LuckyLuke

    Housekeeper pay

    The market sets the rate. It's not embarrassing to pay the market rate. Personally I'm tired of seeing this stereotype that every American is a rich greedy capitalist with money to burn. There are plenty of yankees of humble means here too. If you want to pay above market rate as a form of...
  16. LuckyLuke

    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    Howdy Carride, I don't know much about cattle but my suegro lives in a small village in San Luis. He has a degree in bovine agriculture and raised them for years. He explained to me that the local cows there graze for food which I suppose you could say is grass fed. They walk a lot though...
  17. LuckyLuke

    Banks must accept torn, stained and "small face" dollar bills now

    That reminds me of the peajes back in the day. If you didn't have exact change, all you could do was hold out your hand and turn your head away as the teller proceeded to give you the greasiest, illegible 10 peso bill that must have been stuck under a horses hoof for the past decade to send you...
  18. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    It's a complicated issue. Everybody down here wants universal healthcare, free education, jubilacion minima, subsidies on everything...but at the same time will happily tell you to your face that paying taxes are for chumps. The big joke is that all the tax evasion just floats on up as higher...
  19. LuckyLuke

    Banks must accept torn, stained and "small face" dollar bills now

    This is actually a very clever move by the BCRA. They are hard up for dollars and there's a ton of old bills floating around this country that cuevas scoff at that have nowhere to go. I was furious when I brought some bills from the US that was virtually uncirculated to the local car dealership...
  20. LuckyLuke

    AFIP will control your expenses in May: from what amounts should your bank report

    FYI, the ingresos limits for monotributista have been substantially increased starting 8/1/24 (up to $44,000,000 annually) and the corresponding taxes are also very low in my opinion. Anyone working remotely who is sweating about AFIP regarding their bank activity should take a fair look at it...