My better half wrote a post on Communication Tools, it may be of interest to some, or not.
Hola chicos, tanto tiempo. ¿Como estan?
My wife wrote a blog post on living abroad, and thought it might be nice to share with other expats.
Suerte, SS
Bienvenidos a Argentina. One of the big things that holds this great country back are the unfavorable labor laws.
We were sued by a guy who said he was our employee for longer than we even were in the country. He even tried and almost succeeded in putting a lien/embargo on our property before...
Just an update that with an investionista visa, it appears to be a 3 year residency, but never goes to permanent. That was as of this morning in Bariloche.
Shannon, we use in our own space. The lady is awesome, there are lots of different classes and it is US$28/month. Might or might not be for you.