Search results

  1. C

    havainas - where to buy

    I found a shop that has loads (a full wall), different styles and colors. I believe it's on Cabildo 800 and something getting off on "Olleros" station. They are about 40 or 50 pesos. Last time I went to Brasil, about 3 years back I bought them for about 30 pesos. Prices are increasing as the...
  2. C

    Refried Beans in cans?

    I've seen canned refried beans at Carrefour last 1 week ago at Paseo Alcorta. :)
  3. C

    First pregnancy

    @ Damiancho I'm not working at the moment, but when I talked to Swiss Medical they did mention that the baby would be included in the plan after it's born. I called Halitus and they don't have their own health coverage and the hospital there your baby is born depends on which DR. treats you...
  4. C

    First pregnancy

    Thank you ladies once again! I've looked into all the info that was sent my way. I tried to get a check up visit scheduled with Dra.Lilian Rossi and Dra. Adriana Vilariño, however they are both out until the 22nd due to a conference being held out of town. I will keep searching and if anything I...
  5. C

    First pregnancy

    I've been looking online and making a few phone calls to get the insurance prices. So far, Hospital Italiano and Swiss Med have responded. Can you recommend any coverage with descent hospital rooms. We've been to a couple (hospitals) to visit family members and we were not very pleased at all...
  6. C

    First pregnancy

    Hello! I'm from Buenos Aires, but raised abroad. My husband (North American) and I are looking to get pregnant, but first we would like to find a good OB/GYN here in Buenos Aires. Can anyone help us? English speaking would be a plus! Thanks to all!