Search results

  1. M

    Recommend a city

    Yes, I meant in Argentina but thanks for the suggestions. Singapore - oppressive, ridiculously overpriced. Manila - no scientific/mathematic community and I imagine far noisier and dirtier than BA. Malvinas - future war zone. Auckland - hmmm, never been there. My impression is that it's a...
  2. M

    Beautiful Bahia Blanca

    Which internet sites did you use? Can you describe the people/community in those parts? Do you mind saying how much that house was?
  3. M

    Beautiful Bahia Blanca

    Sounds very nice. How come you don't have real estate listings for houses there? Is there a strong mathematics/scientific/business community there?
  4. M

    Recommend a city

    lol, is that in Chubut? I don't want to live in an Orwellian city.
  5. M

    Recommend a city

    I don't think BA with the pollution, noise, etc. is for me. The south sounds great but there are so few people. I need a town that is pretty sophisticated (colleges, doctors, nobel hopefuls, mathematicians, etc.). The main problem is that I frequently travel to Asia for work and that flight is...