Search results

  1. ARbound

    Flouride In Bottled Water, Can You Buy Any Without?

    You're entitled to believe whatever you'd wish, the great thing about science is that it's true whether you believe it or not. There's a difference between fact and opinion. In your opinion, as a layman, fluoride is "bad". The facts, from specialists, show that the amounts that occur both...
  2. ARbound

    Flouride In Bottled Water, Can You Buy Any Without?

    Is this based on your research as a molecular biologist, a doctor, or as a toxicologist? Sometimes I judge myself for laughing at the stupidity/gullibility of others, but then I realize people like yourself are so convinced in your belief that you, and a few select other people, are the only...
  3. ARbound

    Flouride In Bottled Water, Can You Buy Any Without?

    I learned it from another baexpats member, it was a great, albeit full if stupidity thread. But I digress, the fact that there are people on this forum that think fluoride is some sort of mind control scheme need to really evaluate their priorities in life and read beyond sites like "naturalnews"
  4. ARbound

    Flouride In Bottled Water, Can You Buy Any Without?

    Sheepole need go wake up and realize the same people that did 9/11 put fluoride in the water to control us and make us stupid, jokes on them though, we know about it! Sources say its the Illuminati and lizard people, of course funded by the CIA. I'm surprised he didn't ask where go buy guacho...
  5. ARbound

    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

    Amazed that we take issue with it or amazed that we even bother complaining since this isn't a shock anymore?
  6. ARbound

    The New Head Of Banco Nacion

    It's cute that you believe this, in the same vein as a child that believes in the tooth fairy. Aerolineas' President is a guy who is campira leadership, studied law, never ran a business, and his father is an FPV senator. If these two are not cases of nepotism I don't know what is. She went to...
  7. ARbound

    Flouride In Bottled Water, Can You Buy Any Without?

    You're right, you don't. Wake up sheople still, right?
  8. ARbound

    The Next 4 Years If Scioli Wins?

    My personal politics are opposite of Harper's, and I think he's a fearmongering failed leader so the sooner he's gone the better. I believe Canada should have term limits for PMs, even if it was someone I like or am okay with.
  9. ARbound

    Rising Prices And Other Things: Time To Leave Bsars

    Painting with a bit of a broad brush aren't we? I'm a democratic socialist but I hate the FpV/Cristina for a plethora of reasons, and I've been labeled a Menemist for it. Populism right, left, or "third way" is scary stuff, even populist movements I am sympathetic too, I worry about because of...
  10. ARbound

    Is Donald Trump The Next U.s. President ?

    I've had a theory that The Donald is actually a plant for Billary for awhile, and it seems the call he had with Bill before announcing might bring some credibility to this idea. I still think he's an arrogant asshole, but my inner machiavelli is saying to embrace the consequentialism of...
  11. ARbound

    Rising Prices And Other Things: Time To Leave Bsars

    Even when doing these things or trying to its not enough to justify living some where. Even with the dogshit and power outages I like BsAs better than Toronto, but one has to be pragmatic and realize economics should play a large role, albeit not the only one. There isn't much economic...
  12. ARbound

    Importing And Declaring Over 10K Usd At Eze

    I really, really, really want to suggest you/your friend or whomever to not do this. Bring at most 10K but anything more is just asking to be victimized by any number of people you'd come in contact with.
  13. ARbound

    Racism Towards People From The States?

    They misspelled Precios Cuidados, I hope they don't mind me correcting their Spanish...
  14. ARbound

    Using Credit/debit Card

    Maybe to secure the reservation but insisit on paying in ARS. The dollar is worth many things but $9.20 it is not. Some hotels will accept USD at the real rate, but your best bet is in paying in Pesos.
  15. ARbound

    One Way Ticket Discussion Yet Again

    Maybe with groups, but I was just in the People's Republic and nothing. No one asked why I was there at immigration, no proof of anything. They stamped my passport and waved me through. Same thing when I left too. Delta did check my passport for my visa when I got to Detroit but they barely...
  16. ARbound

    Argentinian Man Dies During Sex With Scarecrow

    There's a particularly lewd play on a supposed Ben Franklin quote, it goes like this: In the dark all cats are black, but 10 inches is still better than 6.
  17. ARbound

    Racism Towards People From The States?

    There it is, that classiness we've come to expect from you Matias
  18. ARbound

    Racism Towards People From The States?

    He doesn't need to, as long as there are dozens upon dozens of other universities that have more than UBA it removes that "special" distinction. Does UBA have more than many other LatAm universities? Maybe, but it's the equivalent of "Thank God for Mississippi"...
  19. ARbound

    Racism Towards People From The States?

    #ClassicMatias B)