The first mention of the usage of white flags to surrender is made during from the Eastern Han dynasty (A.D 25–220). In the Roman Empire, the historian Cornelius Tacitus
mentions a white flag of surrender in A.D. 109. Before that time, Roman
armies would surrender by holding their shields...
My point exactly. Could be any big city in the world. This report by the US State Department was old news by the time I read it and only wanted to comment on the coincidence of timing and front page news it made here in Buenos Aires. The report came out just days after the spat between US...
Auntie,You are sooooo fun to play with ;-) White flags don't symbolize peace. They symbolize surrender. White doves and olive branches are symbols of peace!Anyhow, I think I will start a new forum called Nietzsche, the Hero! and invite comments from the peanut gallery :-D Cheers!
Dear John,Your ranting is yet another example of the rantings I was referring to. Now you want to change the direction of this post to focus on my comments rather than the point being made.You state "I find your comments offensive since they are grossly unfair and untrue." So, logically...
Good question Grazie... I will read the book in English, however, if it also available in Spanish, cool. And yes, books must be available locally in order for everyone to obtain. If not, we could group order from Amazon, etc... Open to suggestions.
Mucho Suerte! My name is Brian and I look forward to visiting Cordoba in the next couple of months. Will make La Cumbre a must see as I would enjoy meeting and checking out your Bed and Breakfast first hand. If you are interested in advertising to independent travelers, I volunteer with a...
Thanks Igor... I will definitely seek your help once I find few interested people. My target is at least 5 members before launching the forum.
Thanks again! - Brian
I would like to start or join an online book club. The idea is to read the book on our own and post/discuss topics about same.
For example: I have this book by Felix Luna titled: "Short History of Argentina" and think it could be more interesting to share comments online about same. I would...
Darn.... busted! I prefer Mate!
Well, maybe we won't be invited for tea and crumpets but at least we were able to hijack this page for a while.
As for being paranoid about stalkers... it's possible but unlikely. As always, be careful about revealing too much personal information on a public...
Why is this a 'ladies only' post? Why only invite girlfriends? I think there are plenty of guys here who would enjoy good company, conversation, tea and crumpets! Cheers - Brian
I am responding to your comments because I believe that you must be looking in the mirror when/if you take offense to my comments.
As you stated, it is wrong to generalize a group of people based on limited exposure to the group. If my comments offended anyone on this topic, then it must be...
I think the reason so many horrific crimes occur in the United States is because we press to much. Have yet to learn how to sit back, relax, chill out! Both parents work, children raised by someone other than family. Produce, produce, produce... And when you are 17, out the door. Get a job...
Look behind the scenes: Argentina did not let some American military planes land here during the President's tour of South America for fear they might break down and be stuck here as happened in the past. Then there was Chavez holding a rally at a local futbol stadium here. And then, the State...
Should we really put much stock into State Department reports? They are after all, an extension of the political machine in Washinton D.C. When this report came out, it was shortly after the Presidents daughters were here for a visit and had their purse/cell phone stolen and a Secret Service...
My favorite team is Barcelona but for a local team and having lived in Spain for a few years, even had the opportunity to watch them train and a couple games at Camp Nou. In Argentina, I like Boca Juniors and would like to see a home game here. However, after watching the Tigre match riot on...
I just returned from Colonia. My first trip and already I look forward to go back. El Drugstore restaurant, the old town, the people, the change of pace. Who needs a spa?It is so nice to be able to cross the street without worrying about if I will get run over by a speeding bus or car. (They...