Search results

  1. R

    Theater In Buenos Aires

    There are many options. Alternativa teatral is a blog. The main newspapers offer a suplemento cultural, with a list of teathers in town. You can go to the teather almost everyday, for the price of a ticket to the movies or less (like $70 argentinos) Teatro General San Martin is a complex, it...
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    Beef Jerky

    I know charquiqui´s products are sold at El Tejano
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    Yes. You can find it once in a while in Buenos Aires, in barrio chino or through mercado libre.
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    Best Price For Immediat Flight To Europe (Preferably London)

    Skypicker is a flight-booking app that uses ticket-buying algorithms to let you mix and match the cheapest flights
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    Se llama "gelatina sin sabor en láminas" ó "gelatina sin sabor en hojas" Usually 1 piece equals 7 grams of jelly without flavor. It is much better quality than the argentinian one in powder.
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    Powdered milk + other hiking foods

    Keep in mind that most powder milks availables in Argentina dont disolve 100% well, so you need to filter it with a colander. A balanced dehidrated food is the ideal, a liofilized stew, for instance. There is a company working in this, but with not food available in supermarkets. You can get...
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    Dating Amongst Expat Men And Local Women

    You are who you are, here or in Zimbabwe. Just remember the golden rule. I dont understand if you are asking for yourself or for you with your buddies.
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    What's Up With The Price Of Onions?

    coto sells "cebollones" $26 per kilo
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    Long Johns

    montagne is another option. It has an outlet in Av Cordoba, near Av Juan B Justo, and another in Tribunales area.
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    Exporting Art/paintings - Up To Date Info Request

    good luck and let us know about it!
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    Good Tea

    Taraguí black tea is good enought, a little bit redish and unique taste. Try to buy a fresh box. The escuela argentina de te, located in Rosario is serious and well known and I was told that they sell different blends. The japanese embassy offers a tea ceremony open to the public every friday...
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    Colón Vs. Solís, Gaboto, Magallanes, Etc. - Place Names

    Probably it is because the fact that the decision makers, politicians or burocrats around 100 years ago or more, when the towns and cities were created, decided Colón and Pedro de Mendoza as the names. Similar with General Roca and the Campaña del Desierto.
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    It is not available in pharmacies in this country. So, if you buy it at someone, be sure you are buying pregnenolone and not a placebo.
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    Hemorrhoid Sufferer

    The best is to visit a proctologyst, as there are several treatments based on the diagnosis. Go to a guardia if needed. Usually there is a treatment for the moment it is bleeding and with pain, as well as a preventive treatment. Both treatment based in medications and diet.
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    Northern Jazz.

    centro cultural castelli, conde street, belgrano usually offers jazz music.
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    Indian - Thai food

    I am taking cooking classes about the use of spices in Asian food: Indian, Thai and Vietnam to start with. The teacher is an argentinian born cook, who studied whith an Indian lady while she was in charge of asian food at the culinary school of Gato Dumas - and Gato was alive.
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    Definitive Epilation Solutions In Bsas

    Contact Dra Gleiser on Malabia street at "estetiqueonline". She is a dermatologyst and is aware of the latest news in her expertise. Usually she is an speaker at the International Congress of this area.
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    Bikers Delivering Clothes To Children, Villa Paranacito

    Thank you for sharing with the children, and with us. Let us know next time if we can help the kids at Villa Paranacito.
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    White Wine Vinegar

    try to find a "madre" - or how to make your own "madre" - and then make your own white wine, or fruit vinegar at home.
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    Aguinaldo, What Are The Rules?

    Aguinaldo means that if you work 12 months, you are paid 13 months in one year. The salary number 13 is based in your highest salary, except the concepts "no renumerativos". This salary number 13 is paid in 2 halfs, one by the end of June and the other by the end of December. If you worked less...