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    Transporting cats as cargo

    I'm sure the airlines are aware of that dodge. How many cats did you say were travelling? If more than one it won't work anyway.
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    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    Our council chief this morning announced that the police roadblock into town is to be scrapped with immediate effect. A small step but a massive one taken to get us back on the road to normality. Personally, if I were him I'd scrap every lockdown rule.
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    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    Thanks however I take it it's reliant on figures issued by each country? Still not exactly reliable especially in Argentina.
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    Hyperinflation ante portas

    How true....hard enough job planning months ahead never mind years. It's that, above all else that's turned me into an old gumpy anti Argentina git.
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    COVID: Argentina in sixth place can you believe the figures when they can't even give out accurate inflation ones?
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    Hyperinflation ante portas

    Have a good acountant is my advice!!
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    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    I've had too much wine with my dinner Rich One....please explain? In simple man terms!!
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    El País: Argentina, de ejemplo regional a estar acorralada por la covid-19

    If only all the figures were accurate...therein lies the problem. Been told by one of the so called experts that all the S American figures are seen by them as ''well dodgy'' and the rest of the world ones aren't exactly believed to be all that accurate either.
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    Football/Soccer in Argentina....

    Used to enjoy watching the big teams when the games were free to watch on the TV. When that ended I took no further interest in Argentine football. Not that I've been to any but I'm not so sure the local derby games here have any better an atmosphere than those in the UK.
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    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    Too many 'experts' wanting to have their say if you ask me.
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    Where's a Good Small Town to Ride Out the Storm?

    Been an interesting read this thread especially the unfriendly locals part. Can't say I've met any over the 13 years I've been living here....if anything they go out of their way to be more friendlier because I'm foreign.
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    Transporting cats as cargo

    Much depends on the airline...most make a better job of transporting pets than they do of people. :) A pissed off passenger won't attract any media attention however someones distressed beloved pet almost certainly will. If and it's a hell of a big if we ever relocate back to Europe we'll most...
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    Western Union money transfer

    So what's new? :)
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    26M UK -> Argentina

    Impossible to give you advice to be honest. Given your qualifications you're smart enough to figure it out for yourself.
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    Why Argentina over other countries?

    Have to agree. Must admit it does get on my goat when you hear expats saying it's a wonderful country to live in when those doing the preaching are earning in dollars. We have a very comfortable life despite only earning in pesos but it ain't half f'ing stressful!!
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    Virus survives 28 days in paper money

    I know a Scottish based medical Professor...a lung specialist....he's always banging on about something regarding the virus. We should be doing this and that etc. etc. I can't help get the feeling that these so called 'experts' always like to come up with something new to say to justify their...
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    COVID: Argentina in sixth place

    I reckon few if any country has issued figures which can be believed to be all that accurate....some have been playing silly buggars which hasn't helped.
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    Virus survives 28 days in paper money

    All nonsense of course. At this rate we might as well lock ourselves in a cupboard and never come out again.
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    Transporting cats as cargo

    I know some airlines do allow a caged pet in the cabin with the owner although I'm not so sure if they allow more than one. Hope it works out well for you.
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    Why Argentina over other countries?

    Have to say despite all my moans and groans. On a day like today out in the countryside in the spring sunshine and peace and quiet apart from the wonderful bird song. It got me thinking it isn't all that bad a place to be. If only the ruddy politicans were anywhere near as competent as nature.