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  1. G

    Tucker Carlson back in Moscow

    The man is Russia's useful idiot to incite maga idiots. He is the furthest thing from a journalist and more like an influencer. He is basically in the employ of the kremlin to spread disinformation and further destabilisation efforts in the west. His interview with the unhinged Putin was...
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    Tucker Carlson back in Moscow

    Has to go back to his masters to get new instructions and ensure his loyalty to them.
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    Argentina’s Economy Unexpectedly Shrank Amid Austerity Push

    Whenever someone says that we will need to suffer a bit and things will get hard for a while - "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make"
  4. G

    Giving birth in argentina - Will my child be forcefully vaccinated?

    Mala suerte to you then too.
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    Milei supporters launch ‘armed wing’ to protect president

    Funny that, when women ask for a fair seat at the table, the right wing male response is always "Culture War" and "Attack on traditional family values". Marginalised people asking for more consideration in society is not an automatic declaration of war.
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    Giving birth in argentina - Will my child be forcefully vaccinated?

    One individual, no matter how intelligent, cannot know everything. You can be informed, but when it comes down to it, you can never know everything at the level an expert knows things. You have to trust people who know better than you. If you are unsure, then get a second opinion from another...
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    Argentina’s Far-Right Turn at the UN

    What the actual hell?!?!
  8. G

    Choice of a migration/citizenship lawyer

    He takes on the toughest of cases. Getting citizenship without a DNI or just walking off a plane and claiming citizenship types. It would make sense people feel like its a loop when he is really taking on these tough cases. No doubt he is good at what he does.
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    Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment

    Good luck for SS increments under the new administration 🤣. Leopards eating face moment coming soon.
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    Milei Wants Argentines to Dollarize the Economy for Him

    Industrialisation and services are the only way to improve the economy. The country exports a ridiculously high amount of unprocessed or low level processed agricultural products (over 55% of exports). Commodity dependence is seen as a symptom of underdevelopment, and in the case of Argentina...
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    Urgently Need My laptop

    I dont know if this is too late but you could try Grabr. Put up an advert and someone travelling from USA to BA will buy it for you. Make sure to meet somewhere safe for the handover.
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    Milei Wants Argentines to Dollarize the Economy for Him

    I have always been a fan of technocracies but seeing this play out here, now seems to be a type of "never meet your heroes" moment. Not that I was a fan of Milei, but the idea of an economist turning the economy around seemed like a logical step.
  13. G

    How much more are you paying for your health (prepaga) insurance?

    Who are you with @Quilombo?
  14. G

    Anyone married to an Argentine citizen?

    You can apply at the consulate in your country or in Argentina. Consulate I feel will get you your visa faster (took me about 2-4 days), but you will pay over USD 400 for the visa. Apparently people have had issues getting their DNI through this route, but I don't know about that. Applying in...
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    How is renting a flat now e.g for nine months

    Where are the best places to look for rentals like this? ML seems to be mainly agents and i don't want to waste time...
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    Milei posse in NYC

    No superpowers before the UN ... what? Global hegemons have been around for hundreds of years and constantly fighting eachother. The UN does give the platform to actually discuss these issues and honestly does put pressure on these countries to come to the table and discuss. Often times its not...
  17. G

    Milei posse in NYC

    No two superpowers have gone to war while the UN has been around. Cold War, yes, but nukes and bombing each other directly, no. As far as I'm concerned, that is a major win. UN does enough of a job to keep everyone at arms length and talking, which is a good thing.
  18. G

    DNI - which country for background check?

    Honestly, if you are not going to listen to people and get both, then go all in on your one citizenship and ignore USA completely. If you get "caught" they are not going to arrest you as you simply don't have all your documents, then you will need to get it anyway. Plead ignorance and move on...
  19. G

    How to run a survey?

    Agreed. The least I can do as part of society is to be responsible, especially for those who have no immunity or can't take the vaccine.
  20. G

    How to run a survey?

    Sorry, my message was not clear. While my wife and I were waiting for the vaccines to come out, we lost two family members. We were always wanting to get them just so we could carry on with our lives. Having seen those two loved ones pass (one to complications from pneumonia caused by COVID...