Search results

  1. mmoon

    Storm in Palermo

    That storm was insane. We are near Pinamar and there was a clap of thunder around 3am that felt like it was going to crack the earth open.
  2. mmoon

    Hi, I am brand new... just signed up this morning.

    Great advice here all around. I do know that some of the responders live in BA only part time. I would be curious if the new BAExpat plans to live here full time, because having the option and means to leave makes it a whole different experience. We also came here for the first time for two...
  3. mmoon

    Escaping Buenos Aires for the summer months - where to go?

    Forget Punte del is expensive and a nightmare, especially in January. We liked Punta del Diablo in Uruguay, further north. Also, San Martin de los Andes, near Bariloche has a mellow summer climate. For beach within Argentina, Carilo is nice and tranquil.
  4. mmoon

    Guests coming to BA for three things to do?

    I'm thinking probably a day walking and sightseeing around the core of BA, and another day boating up in the delta. We have half of a third day, so some of the suggestions about museums or specific destinations are great. I like the idea of tea at the Alvear. If you could take guests to one...
  5. mmoon

    Guests coming to BA for three things to do?

    I was wondering the same thing. We have no problem taking them off the beaten path, but... However, once they’ve left, I’m there! I’ll go pretty much anywhere for an amazing meal.
  6. mmoon

    Guests coming to BA for three things to do?

    I really appreciate the specific ideas. We always do pretty much the same circuit with guests, and I just can’t do it again! I’m not much of a fan of Puerto Madero, but I do see what sergio is saying about it being a very successful and attractive port redevelopment. Any other ideas for...
  7. mmoon

    Boca River Superclassico Violent incidents

    Looks like the final will be played outside of Argentina, although Boca is still arguing that River should be disqualified. In true Argentine fashion, the exact date and location are yet to be determined...stay tuned until the last minute, when everything will probably change again...
  8. mmoon

    Guests coming to BA for three things to do?

    I think a day around BA would be perfect, probably mostly in Recoleta, dinner in Palermo. They are walkers, so no problem moving around. In the past, our guests usually like to check out the MALBA, so we could end up there, even if just for coffee. I also thought about the delta islands...
  9. mmoon

    Guests coming to BA for three things to do?

    We have a family with a teenager coming to BA for a few days and want to show them the town, but we are overwhelmed with options. They are very well traveled and adventurous, so don't need to just show them the usual sights. It will be in late December. Thanks for any recs!
  10. mmoon

    Boca River Superclassico Violent incidents

    I say play to an empty stadium (not at River as a punishment, but a "neutral" location) and surround it with riot police. Or cancel the whole thing and that will really teach a lesson to these imbeciles.
  11. mmoon

    Is BA safe for women ?

    I’ve always felt safer walking around BA alone and/or at night than in America cities, mostly because there are so many people out. Not sure if you already have your apartment, but I agree that it makes a big difference whether you are living on a quiet side street. I always use radio taxis so...
  12. mmoon

    BA Design/Hard Rock Cafe Closing Saturday?

    Too bad. It used to be a great place to find cool little things for your house. I still have placemats I bought probably 10 years ago. Quality was generally way better than the typical crap on Cabildo. Yet another End of an Era moment in BsAs.
  13. mmoon

    Reporting Street Harassment

    I think all women would support that move! Can we also decree that cultural attitudes that are not gender neutral are abolished? If women and men could get on the same page about these issues and work together to make things improve, we could have real change on this planet.
  14. mmoon

    Transferring money from sale of house back to the uk

    Do you have a friend or a referral to someone who is a lawyer dealing with these issues? I agree with having the money wired directly to your account. but be sure that Argentina will try and take as much of it as possible and there may be new hurdles that others on this site didn't have to deal...
  15. mmoon

    How difficult is it to move a dog from the US to Argentina?

    Great, up to date feedback here. I would add that you should check and recheck the procedures for flying your pet OUT of Argentina too (if it will be leaving at some point). Our dog flew to and from Argentina as well as to and from Europe, and in both situations, the process to get our dog...
  16. mmoon

    Train To Mar Del Plata Returns; Cheap And Slow

    I am shocked, SHOCKED that we have gotten off the exact topic of the original post!
  17. mmoon

    Is Airbnb the best place search a couple of months rental?

    Hasn't been my experience, but maybe it's just a difference of where and what we are looking for. I agree that if you want a ton of options and your main consideration is price, Airbnb is the place to look. I've just found that you have to dig through a lot of crap to get that gem place. I've...
  18. mmoon

    Is Airbnb the best place search a couple of months rental?

    AirBnB has the most options but I prefer vrbo/Homeaway. The search function is easier to use, the overall quality of properties is higher, and I’ve rented with them in over a dozen countries and all over the US (even in the boonies) without a single scam or problem. I often see listings on...
  19. mmoon

    Train To Mar Del Plata Returns; Cheap And Slow

    Funny, but I’ve truly never noticed a lot of movement upstairs and I’ve been going on Plusmar since the early 2000s. I feel like their drivers drive quite slowly (sometimes it even drives me a little crazy), but the safety issue is the biggest reason I always go with them. The main challenge...
  20. mmoon

    Train To Mar Del Plata Returns; Cheap And Slow

    On Plusmar, the semi cama buses are actually the least comfortable. They just recline a little bit. The cama ejecutivo buses are similar to business class, with seats that recline about 45 degrees and footrests. The Suite 1 Classe buses are really first class, with seats that lie totally flat...