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  1. R

    Credit cards in Argentina for temporary residents

    It looks like some people here are on the AFIP payroll. First, they talk about accountants and how everybody absolutely needs to keep one close all the time, and then it goes back to how to buy a microwave in six quotes on a credit card.
  2. R

    Is there a way to get USD in BA?

    Do you believe in a free market? There is only one real market rate. And it is the "dolar blue" rate. The government introduced an artificial spread on exchange operations and takes its cut. You have to sell dollars at the low rate established by the government, but you can buy only at the blue...
  3. R

    200 Cuban Doctors arriving to Help with Corona Virus Crisis

    They don't know how much they charge or whether they charge at all.
  4. R

    200 Cuban Doctors arriving to Help with Corona Virus Crisis

    I guess there is no point to argue with "Duck and cover" generation. It is just an irrational hatred of everything Cuban. A Cuban victim of doctor's trafficking is getting ready to perform COVID-19 tests in Argentina lab.
  5. R

    Macri Or Fernandez's Who Will Win Paso

    Seriously? He was elected as a pro-business president in contrast to Cristina, who nationalized YPF (among other things). He was elected by people who wanted things to change. He promised an avalanche of foreign investments into the country (and new jobs and the economic boom). And all this has...
  6. R

    How ugly has it gotten, or not?

    Well, there is still a possibility. Here is a story. Back in 1996 pro-western president Boris Yeltsin entered his second term presidential election race with 8% approval rating and ultimately won the elections. What happened after that is described in details here, but basically enormous...