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  1. John.St

    News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

    To be a leading commodity exporter is extremely dangerous, I refer you to the history of Brasil and coffee, the history of Chile and copper, etc., etc. Another problem with Argentina's export is this: 2013 INDEC: Trade surplus fell by 27% during 2013 [1] 2006: 12.39 billion USD [3] 2007...
  2. John.St

    Blue Dollar - Over

    How to get this newly printed money to the supermarkets, almacenes and tiendas without raising the prices? zat iz zee problem
  3. John.St

    News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

    Guess the IQ of a person, who spends time commenting on comments, which are 'vapid, vacuous and a waste of time', and who writes to ajoknoblauch that he is living in fear of him "I fear you".
  4. John.St

    Blue Dollar - Over

    According to Buenos Aires Herald today: Capitanich: dollar hike won’t affect prices http://www.buenosair...t-affect-prices If Kapitanovitch has been quoted correctly, the man is completely off his rocker. Does he expect the extra pesos needed to cover the rising import prices, etc. to drop...
  5. John.St

    Blue Dollar - Over

    Another rational decision from a rational government. How long will the new policy last, given that the foreign currency reserves are alleged to be not above US$ 30 billion? Is part of the foreign currency reserves in fact IOUs between the national bank and the government, as in IOU 10 billion...
  6. John.St

    Blue Dollar - Over

    Not really a revision, just yet another rational decision made by the rational Argentine government.
  7. John.St

    News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

    How much do you want to borrow? (Low monthly interest, only 52%) :D
  8. John.St

    What's Next With The Peso Devaluation?

    As in: 'Argentina, living on other people's money'? B)
  9. John.St

    News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

    No, it's called sarcasm. You show us a picture of British police without combat equipment and yet add your own "What would happen in that little pirate island england if and when rioters were to get violent? Do the police just turn the other cheek? Right. Spare me the rhetoric." completely...
  10. John.St

    News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

    Yeah, you clearly see the British police armed with guns, clubs, batons, shields, water cannons, etc., don't you? Where?
  11. John.St

    Blue Dollar - Over

    You showed to be crazy or stupid, f...Off. ;)
  12. John.St

    What's Next With The Peso Devaluation?

    You mean because Bajo_cero2 himself is soooo polite and never launches ad hominem attacks himself? Latest examples:
  13. John.St

    Airlines Halting Venezuela Tix Sales; Could It Happen Here?

    Seems completely insane given the enormous income Venezuela has from crude sales. How can they waste such huge sums so fast? it really must take some talent. Jeeez, the poor buggers in grossly misgoverned South America.
  14. John.St

    Where To Buy Electronics

    Yep. When I return by bus from Chile, the Argentines are carrying all kinds of electronics, including huge TVs, pay the duty and still not only have the trip for free but also earn another 1-2-3,000 pesos on the transaction.
  15. John.St

    Blue Dollar - Over

    Speculating, but you are probably right - they have no choice except to get some kind of payment plan to - hopefully - open up to the international credits market before Argentina runs completely out of reserves. In this connexion, one must remember that some of the billion USD in...
  16. John.St

    Blue Dollar - Over

    Worthy of doctor Christian Rubilar, the poor dear.
  17. John.St

    News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

    using fertilizer, no doubt.
  18. John.St

    What's Next With The Peso Devaluation?

    The real key to some of Argentina's economic problems is identical to the reason why those 300 billion US$ have been moved abroad - a complete lack of confidence in an erratic government and the corralito and corralón in living memory.
  19. John.St

    What's Next With The Peso Devaluation?

    Yes, that is a very serious problem, which is difficult to solve as e.g. Argentina's import restrictions tends to isolate her. January 23, 2014: "INDEC: Trade surplus fell by 27% during 2013 ... INDEC has confirmed that Argentina's trade balance during 2013 left a surplus of 9.24bn dollars...
  20. John.St

    News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

    Yuk! Yuk!? :D :lol: So worthy of Doctor Christian Rubilar.