the entire world runs on fiat IOUs. That's the long and short of it. Between the US and and the EU, they owe about 40 trillion. That's not counting future liabilities or derivative exposure. If you factor those in, you're talking about 900 trillion + that will one day need to be paid back. Oh yeah, and that figure grows by trillions every year. And the more money that gets printed, the less its worth. I don't care how many iPads are manufactured in China, that money isn't ever getting paid back. Its one big ponzi scheme. Nothing more. Now think of it this way, with about 25% of European youth unemployed and with little prospect for future work and over 100 million working age Americans out of the job market altogether, who the hell will have money for iPads and other american and European " goods and services " in the near future? Ha.
But just drink the kool aide, eat your big mac and point the finger at everyone else, life is much simpler that way.