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  1. H

    meeting somewhere we are going here on friday night if any of you want to meet up
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    Block those cruise ships, show them what's what!

    just to add,we arrived back this morning from a 9 day cruise to Brazil and Uruguay and it was awesome,if any of you guys get the chance to go,do it,it,s awesome
  3. H

    How Many Expats Live in Buenos Aires

    ok let,s
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    Block those cruise ships, show them what's what!

    mine is 9 days and cost 1400 too:confused:
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    Block those cruise ships, show them what's what!

    I,m off on MSC Opera tomorrow,she,d better keep right away...
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    New to BsAs

    play up pompèy,or is it PAY up pompey now:cool:
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    gardening advice (snails!)

    no,i meant as an option to the beer!!!still,sounds like they had a good time
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    gardening advice (snails!)

    give em some pizza too
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    Cedula azul

    No Steve,I was stopped by the police over xmas and alcohol tested(drank coke all niht)and as I was driving my wife,s car,and she wasn,t with me,they said I had to have a cedula azul,as permission from the car owner,to drive it..
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    Train accident in Once (linea Sarmiento) 340 wounded

    in english
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    Cedula azul

    Anyone here with info regarding the documents my wife and I need to authorise the above titled tramite?I need her permission to drive here car and vice versa.any info would be greatly appreciated,maybe someone on here has been through the process.:rolleyes:
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    New DNI Required?

    yes Joe,as fas we know at the moment it,s not obligatory,although i,ve just done mine as my book is almost in shreds!!!:confused:
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    gardening advice (snails!)

    here you are...
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    gardening advice (snails!)

    yes the beer gets them drunk and they die off,but you need to buy a powder,as you would for ants,that they consume and take back to their home base and spread it amongst themselves,and they,ll die off...
  15. H

    Cheap Hotels in Colonia

    :rolleyes: well, digs are like a bed and breakfast,clean,tidy and cheap...On speck is to go and look and find something there and then:) and no I don,t remember the names as we travelled all over Entre Rios during that vacation and crashed out(slept)at many B and B,s.good luck
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    Cheap Hotels in Colonia

    we went last year and got digs,B/B for 140 pesos,for the two of us,per night.there are loads of options there,just go on speck
  17. H

    Holiday traffic?

    Friday pm is usually the worst time to travel to the coast,but as Delfiana said ,leave as early as you can.Is 6am too early for you?It,ll be light at that time and you will miss the exodus,happy holidays Mrs Kemp,hubby and baby
  18. H

    Status of DNI processing

    Having just reapplied for my new DNI(I have residency)I was told it will take 4-6 months,due to being a foreigner,for the locals they calculate 15 days,,,go figure!!
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    serious assault last night

    the victim has recovered well,the attacker is awaiting his trial:rolleyes:
  20. H

    Status of DNI processing

    I waited 20 months for my original,in San isidro