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  1. H

    Hola a todas!

    OK Becky,we,ll be waiting,Howard(Nottingham).
  2. H

    new cellfone question

    any links for sites please?
  3. H

    new cellfone question

    I have got a new cellfone (from Santa) it,s a samsung(claro),my old fone is of movistar and the chip isn,t compatible,soooo what do I need to do please?thanks in advance Howard
  4. H

    Good day!

    really,what drinking groups?
  5. H

    Where do I buy a can opener?

    any hardware shop,bazaar etc sell them
  6. H

    Cleaning person

    that,s all inclusive i presume:cool:
  7. H

    UK shoe sizes-converting to Argentine shoe sizes
  8. H

    Christmas (not) in BsAs

    It,ll be my eighth xmas here,and i do miss the xmas eve/new years eve piss ups back home in Nottingham:cool: still my wife is Argentine so we,ll be at her aunties house to "celebrate",xmas here sucks,the heat,the lack of carols...We (about 40 of us) met up last friday in...
  9. H

    Christmas (not) in BsAs

    Xmas here is quiet,many families go away,and of course many families meet up in their respective homes.If I were you I,d go to Rosario or Salta,not too expensive,do you drive/have transport?depends on your circumstances
  10. H


    last weekend(fin de largo)in San Pedro,I tried 5 banks too,they were all empty apparently!!!!
  11. H

    Newcomer in Buenos Aires!!!

    yes of course,you,ll be more than welcome:):)
  12. H

    Last minute full day excursions.

    hey Phil,how about a day on the Falklands;)
  13. H

    Argentina launches naval campaign to isolate Falkland Islands
  14. H

    Escribanos Fees

    did you sell ok?surely you,re not going back to Leicester!!!!!:eek:
  15. H

    English christmas delicacies

    me too matey,sounds good.It,s been a long time since I ate that:confused:
  16. H

    Help and support with a newborn

    don,t post any address i,m away in Feb too
  17. H

    Used clothing stores - 70s clothes

    You are in La Zona Norte,are you near Boulogne?we have a few Ferias here where you could pick up 70,s gear...failing that use mine!!!;)
  18. H

    Newcomer in Buenos Aires!!!

    there are a few of us meeting in Breghans bar Bolivar 860 in San Telmo tomorrow night,to sing Xmas carols,feel free to come along,8.30 onwards
  19. H

    Massive home sale

    i thought you were selling a massive home!!!
  20. H


    i pass on 2 outta 4 !!!!