Search results

  1. W

    Tips on Argentina??

    One thing I recommend to everyone I know coming here is to go to Tigre (the train takes 50 minutes and costs 50 cents) and take a tour of the Parana River Delta. It is beautiful and exotic and the old summer houses are facinating. A nice tour will stop at a restaurant along the way and you can...
  2. W

    Recruitment agencies in BA??

    Not to dispute the other advice offered here, but I am not sure where the idea that people in business here mostly speak English. It is simply not true. Four years working as a journalist (interacting with 200+ different organizations in that time) has taught me that levels of English in this...
  3. W

    You Are Invited: Business Networking Group Meeting

    But Palmero is apparently filled with gangs of expat Swedes terrorizing foreigners... But add me to your list. If it is feasible, I wouldn´t mind mind a wee list before hand about what kind of people might be attending, what sort of business activity. Me: ex-Navy, then journalist, but...
  4. W

    Yellow Fever Vaccination where best to go?

    There is also a clinic on Antartida, across from the big police building there. That's where I got mine last year and it took just a few minutes. RR
  5. W

    Dependable taxi driver?

    I know a good guy, but he is based in Olivos, he drives a remise. I will ask him tonight what he charges. RR
  6. W

    Any favourite restaurants con onda in Recoleta?

    Here are a few suggestions: By BADesign there is a big patio with about 10 different restaurants that tend to be quite good. I have eaten at 3-4 of them. There is also a great patio for all of them with a niceish view. If the weather holds, that could be a plus. Also, if you are into pizza...
  7. W

    Amazing how expensive BsArs is

    Check out The Economist´s ´Big Mac Index´ which ranks the cost of a big mac in each country after making several adjustments to get a fairish exchange rate. Argentina had the eighth most expensive Big Mac in the world. And it´s still crap...
  8. W

    Translation help

    Thanks, eclair, you are right. Cancel all my previous statements regarding portions of cattle. RR
  9. W

    Translation help

    I am virtually certain they are the thymus gland, which makes them sweetbreads in English. RR
  10. W

    Help! Broken Car Window

    Not sure about Glass places, but if you follow Juan B Justo west from Santa Fe, you will find a large area that is filled with auto type shops. RR
  11. W

    Visiting Liniers Market -Auction-Livestock trade(May 2nd)

    You have been seeing Nelore cattle, a breed common in the north and Brazil. The more usual Crillo cattle breeds tend not to look skinny even when they are. RR
  12. W

    Electronics in Colonia

    I´ve been to Colonia several times, usually dragging friends over on the way to Montevideo. I don´t ever recall seeing an electronics store. I´m sure they exist, but there can´t be many. It is a small town. Montevideo seems a much better bet and I agree with the previous poster that Chile has...
  13. W

    Boating/Yahting from Buenos Aires question

    What kind of experience-references do you have? To be perfectly honest, I wouldn´t get on a boat with a skipper who let someone he-she didn´t know crew. There are too many yahoos who believe those lessons they took in boy scouts are sufficient to sail in the ocean. I´ve been a sailor of various...
  14. W

    SUBE card

    They have not been free for months. RR
  15. W

    Couple of questions about long term rentals

    Argie RE agents make used-car salemen look like an archangel
  16. W

    Argentina's 1833 myth - a "Population Expelled" - De-bunked yet again...!

    Locals here, especially upon hearing that I am an ex-Royal Navy officer, always pester me with questions about the ownership of the islands. This has become very annoying. I have found that telling them that I believe that Zheng He, a famous and remarkable Chinese admiral, found them in the 15th...
  17. W

    Count your change!!!

    Since I arrived here 4.5 years ago, many, many people, usually Argentines, warn me about: being ashortchanged, counterfeit money, theiving taxi drivers. As a journalist I move around a lot during the day. In all that time I have exactly two taxi drivers try to rip me off. One gave me a...
  18. W

    Philadelphia Cream Cheese and Sour Cream

    As for Phili, I knmow the big grocery store (Carrefour I think) on Santa Fe at Peureydon has it usually. I have been buying there for a few years. For the best real bagels in town go around the corner to Jewish bakery called Kokush on Tucuman just by Peureydon. I don´t think CasanCrema is sour...
  19. W

    Would love to meet creative types that are really putting down roots here.

    Let me know. I´m a journalist-author-whatever. Drinks sound like a good way to start. I´m a bit useless the few weeks, until cleanup after being robbed a few weeks back. But remain interested. Unsure about the roots bit. I thought was going to settle here a while back then broke up with my...
  20. W

    Phisically carrying USD

    Is the $10,000 limit an Argentine limit? I know the US has such a limit - although all you have to do is declare it and you can bring it in/out. US Customs actually created an odorant that is now put on money nearly everywhere. It can be detected by money-sniffing dogs. (Wouldn't like one of...