Search results

  1. W

    hotel suggestion for Montevideo

    I've stayed at a basic 3-star hotel called the Balmoral. It was about U$50. It's central. Great full breakfast included. Can't remember the address, but you can find it online.
  2. W

    Bonds on Rentals

    I no longer have the card, but there is a service here in BA that helps foreigners with problems like these.But,there is a tourist police station downtown and they may have some advice or know about this service. But I'm unclear why this sub-let would be illegal.Are you legal - i.e. have you...
  3. W

    Teaching Enslish in BA

    I wanted to do some English teaching on the side here in BA. I was wondering if anyone had any advice. RR
  4. W

    Libaries for English books

    I read here sometime ago about a libraies set up years ago by an American that has English books for loan, but I could not find the post. The British Institute no longer has a library, so I looking for an alternative. Any thoughts?
  5. W

    Wall Street Journal in BA?

    Not sure why you want to read it : ) but there is a newsstand at Libertad and Juncal (Recoleta) that has all the main US papers, although I believe they are usually a few days late. I buy a lot of newspapers and have never seen it anywere else. While it certainly isn't the same, there is someone...
  6. W

    shopping in BA? american products that i need

    Most of those things you will find at Pharamcity, a big pharmacy chain. Some are probably just not available here. Stick deodorants are not common here, most men use Axe or something similar. Rogain should be available at any decent pharmacy without a prescription. Good luck
  7. W

    Looking for an apartent

    I am looking for a shared apartment starting next week (Oct 10ish). Something not too expensive (my last place was US$300/month. San Telmo, Palermo, Recoleta, Centro, or... PM me.
  8. W

    I know there is Fed EX but is there UPS

    My experience was similar. Letters posted at one of the red round boxes arrived. Those that I handed to an agent in a Correo Argentino office vanished. Yet, locals tell me to never use the mail boxes. Go figure.
  9. W

    Tips for a quick trip to Patagonia?

    Bariloche is also nice, if a bit touristy. And there is Trelew (a Welsh district) which is very charming and laid back. And this is Whale watching season in Puerto Madryn (Sep and Oct), quite spectacular. Patagonia is one of nature's great gifts. Spectacular all around.
  10. W

    How much do charge personal trainers ?

    Likewise, I paid just A$R30/hour for a great trainer. His English was non-existant, but that really isn't a problem. We trained in a park near the UK Embassy.
  11. W

    Car rental - Renting a car - Automobile rental

    Please PM me when you get any useful information. Having been stung in the UK once where they wanted a US$4500 security deposit on my credit card (which after 3 months of traveling couldn't bear it), I now usually ask what the deal is. And they often get it wrong. Cheers, RR
  12. W

    Document scanning where in Palermo?

    If you wan to come to Congresso (in front of the Saenz Pena subte) I could do it for you. PM me. But there must be places in Palermo.
  13. W

    How much would you be ready to pay at the psychologist's?

    The prices very wildly. My ex-girlfriend paid just A$R70/hour. But others I know pay A$R400 for real shrinks (i.e. MDs with specialist training). So ask around.
  14. W

    Affordable Place to Buy Wine...?

    It's probably too late for you, but keep in mind that technically it is illegal to sell alcohol after 10:30pm. And most stores seem to honour this.
  15. W

    Unlocking a cellphone?

    I unlocked a Palm Treo 750 using software on the internet. But there are lots of shops (on big avenues like Santa Fe and Cabildo that say they unlock phones. But I never heard of the three strikes and you are locked rule, sounds nasty. And make sure you get a receipt if you leave your phone...
  16. W

    Apartment Security

    I had my apartment in Recoleta broken into (on new years eve!!). But suspect the Portero was in on it. No proof of course, but it all seemed rather convenient. He had seen me leave with food for a dinner elsewhere and there was no real signs of forced entry. In my experience I would worry more...
  17. W

    Harina Pan from Venzuela/Columbia

    I am trying to find Harina Pan (corn flour), but it needs to be from Columbia or Venezuela (theirs is different from the local stuff). Any thoughts. So far I have had no luck. R
  18. W

    Film artist interested in creative project?

    I may be interested. I am TV journalist and I also live in an apartment with two film students, both of whom have actually made films, Maybe we should have coiffee? Richard
  19. W

    Book in English

    There is a great English book store (if a bit expensive) with a great collection of serious books. It is in a galleria, right at the corner that runs from Santa Fe to Puereyedon (which I can never spell). The lady there is very nice, but as I sad her prices are pretty high. I just paid A$R80...
  20. W

    Moving to Santiago, maybe

    I am thinking of re-locating to Santiago for 6-12 months. Does anyone know if there is a group like this one for expats in Santiago. And any other advice about living there would be welcome.