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  1. E

    The Pope Is Argentine

    I hope we do not have him in cadena nacional para todos every single Sunday morning. It was enough with CFK during the week days.
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    Property Sale/purchase With Payment Outside Argentina

    We bought our house in Argentina, expat to expat and the money went from a US bank account to another US account. We had to job the origin of our funds but there was no issue. An expat friend of mind just bought an apartment and paid the owner (an Argentine) abroad. He did not had to declare...
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    Falklands Referendum

    I think you are been naive (or too young to remember). The US had a more than technical participation in the Falkland war. The fact that the Foreign Office expressed disappointment with the stance taken by the Obama Administration tells you something. You are right in the sense that it was an...
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    Falklands Referendum

    Not even the US is recognizing this referendum... so go figure
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    Falklands Referendum

    Not even Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad or Honsi Mubarak were getting those high numbers. Cheers and long live to the British Empire !!
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    Falklands Referendum

    I think it is good that the Kelpers recognize what they are... British people. Like that Argentina will only have to deal with the UK instead of a three part negotiation. As for Argentina, the only place they could invade is Colonia... using the Buquebus ;-)
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    Polo Lessons And "dia De Estancia" - Recommendation Needed

    Thanks a lot everyone for the recommendations.
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    Weekend Getaway..with 2 Young Kids

    Our kids are the same age. We went to San Antonio de Areco and to Carmelo without car and we had fun.
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    Justice For The Kirchnerista!

    So just following your line of reasoning... you, a first world successful man who knows well that Argentine are inferior because of genetics, married an Argentine. Please help me here. Tell your wife who studied genetics so well to explain you how a country so open to immigration like Argentine...
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    Reality Check

    It is the tax we pay every year on the house we owe in Buenos Aires. We do not have a car or any other property and I think you pay tax on those too if you are above a certain threshold. Since the threshold has not been updated in years despite inflation, most properties pay the tax.
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    Reality Check

    We basically spend 12K pesos per month for the four of us. More or less we spend 2500 in kindergarten, 3500 in supermarket, 800-1000 in utilities, cable&internet, security surveillance, 500-1000 in transportation and the rest is to enjoy. We have medical cover by my job. We have no car (could...
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    Reality Check

    We live very well with my local salary 12K pesos per month and we are a family of 4 BUT we do not pay rent or "expensas" as we own a house. Our biggest expenses are kindergarten and supermarket, and the occasional trip inside Argentina. We save 80% of our non local salary. The 20% finances two...
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    Polo Lessons And "dia De Estancia" - Recommendation Needed

    Hi there, I have family visiting from abroad and they want to spend one day (or two) in the Pampas in a Estancia and they want to learn how to play Polo. Well... I am not sure they will learn it but they want to try it and they have little experience with horses. I have done a quick search on...
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    Justice For The Kirchnerista!

    Before I thought your comment was stupid. Now I am starting to think that the stupid is you. Regarding your question, I was educated in many places and countries to know that the people of a country deserve respect and there is nothing about genetics in the many problems faced by the Argentines...
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    Justice For The Kirchnerista!

    What a stupid comment. Who do you think you are? And for the record, I am not Argentine so I do not take it personally.
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    Flight Ticket Prices For Foreigner With A Dni (Extranjero)

    Local price is for residents and you are a resident. Just do not forget your DNI when flying.
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    Wearing A Suit In Ba?

    Colon Theater is always suit, except on Sunday 5pm when is a little bit more informal but still most people wear a suit. Otherwise, I never use a suit in BA.
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    What Do You Do Here?

  19. E

    Excited/scared About Moving To Ba...!

    There are many things to check out in Buenos Aires, and not so many in Chacarita as it is a residential neighborhood. Given that you are from NYC (I used to live there), if one day you miss your typical NYC brunch, you should try Malvon ( It is walking distance from...
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    What Do You Do Here?

    University professor. I would say as a hobby given the pay. and International consultant what makes our life in BA comfortable given the blue rate.