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  1. J

    Telecentro vs Cable Vision

    See I have Cablevision for TV only in 2 apartments, and I have no service complaints.
  2. J

    Medical Insurance

    Most of the major carriers - OSDE, Galena, Swiss Medical, Medicus, etc. - have a national presence. You can check their websites to see what facilities and providers ("cartilla de prestadores") they have in La Plata. Obviously, the single-hospital plans here in the capital won't work for you...
  3. J

    Medical Insurance

    Passing along links to older threads that discuss your options in some detail. All the prices and any other numbers mentioned in these threads have definitely changed, as may have the qualification of new members, but otherwise the plans haven't changed substantially in the last several years...
  4. J

    Visiting The Falklands/Malvinas

    Although Stanley is frequently listed on cruise itineraries, you shouldn't count on actually stopping there. With no major dock, the ships have to tender passengers, and the weather often precludes the use of small tenders. From what I read, fewer than half the scheduled cruises actually made...
  5. J

    I miss prepared foods

    This page may be useful. Plug in your address to see who is delivering what to your door right now:
  6. J

    "What Spain could learn from Argentina’s successful default and devaluation"

    Passing along a nest of recent articles of interest. First, a note from Paul Krugman today on the AR and BR economies: Krugman references a post by Matthew Yglesias from Tuesday on Slate...
  7. J

    Spanish lessons in Palermo Soho

    Marta Vigués is the best language coach I know. She's worked with a number of friends, including one who continues lessons via Skype from Paris. Delightful lady who speaks a half-dozen languages, including English (better than I do). She's near Santa Fe and Scalabrini. 4832-2964 or 15-5567-7181
  8. J

    How much did your ABL increase?

    Woops - sorry 'bout that! I would take the boletos to my neighborhood CGPC and ask them to explain. At least at the one near here (behind Alto Palermo shopping), waits are usually short, and I've found most of the people genuinely helpful.
  9. J

    What should we bring?

    Wow! TQ, please pay no attention to this post! You can expect to get along just fine here, especially since your husband is Argentine. Re: overcrowded and stressful - only if you're in the Microcentro, where you wouldn't want to live for many reasons. Most residential barrios are comfortable...
  10. J

    Same guy busted again at an airport with suitcases full of money for the Ks

    I don't find mention of this anywhere on the web. Can you post a link to the source?
  11. J

    How much did your ABL increase?

    The impuesto inmobiliario is an all-new tax that just appeared in CABA last month. Since it didn't exist when you signed your contract, I would try to negotiate it with the landlord, even though I assume that all new contracts will make it the renter's responsibility. According to...
  12. J

    How much did your ABL increase?

    Depends on when they came, Shoush. In December/January they circulated the old-style bills (annual, "00", plus installments "01" and "02") with last year's rates. Then about a month ago, an all-new bill showed up with an adjustment to the prior bills plus a new "00" annual for the rest of the...
  13. J

    How much did your ABL increase?

    Reedmore, for the record what's your barrio?
  14. J

    How much did your ABL increase?

    The acronym stands for "Street Lights, Garbage Collection, and Street Cleaning." There are other taxes on the value of a property. If you plan to rent an apartment, you will probably be renting on a temporary rental contract, where the landlord almost always pays all the taxes and services.
  15. J

    Is Monday a holiday in Argentina?

    Here's the official list of non-working days from the Interior Ministry's site. These get updated from time to time with "emergency" holidays, so it pays to check it from time to time...
  16. J

    What should we bring?

    OK let's try to answer TQ's question. Congratulations! You're heading down the path that I was on 6 years ago. It's a real adventure, and I have no regrets! First, in order to ship any quantity of stuff here, you'll need a resident's visa. Since you're retiring, you can probably arrange the...
  17. J

    Big Party Tomorrow for CFK in Velez

    Note that the posters appear only on the south side of town, and they show her wearing a blue dress. I'm guessing she's going to change out of her widow's garb IN PUBLIC!
  18. J

    Phisically carrying USD

    The legal limit is still U$ 10.000. See
  19. J

    Going rate for electronics

    Check mercadolibre
  20. J

    Tourist visas

    This topic gets raised and argued on this forum every few months with the same arguments and stories of friends of friends and "I know someone who said..." I've been here for 6 years now and know lots of people who live here without legal residency. Some do the new-visa routine and visit UY...