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  1. L

    An Inflation Moment

    Well then that's great. But I just don't see how constantly complaining about inflation is go to change the reality of the situation. So as I said before....people have to figure out how to make things work for them. Surely you're familiar with the boom and bust cycle of the economy here. This...
  2. L

    An Inflation Moment

    Not to sound harsh, but I think then it's time to find another line of work, figure out how to make things work, or move on. We are after all foreigners who have the privilege to return to "home base" when things get rough. Many foreigners were able to take advantage of low prices and low cost...
  3. L

    An Inflation Moment

    Guys and Gals, while inflation is a problem here, Argentina is still a very, very cheap place to live. Please take a trip up north to Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, or even Florianopolis for a bit of reality. I highly suggest it, because after making the trip you learn to appreciate your purchasing...
  4. L

    Poverty in the USA Just How Bad?????

    I'm sorry but the difference is I've worked, volunteered, and lived in more than just "one area". My experiences are not just based on LA. That's the point I'm trying to make. This is what I mean when I say I don't think you're properly informed on the issue. Illegal immigrants are entitled to...
  5. L

    Poverty in the USA Just How Bad?????

    Jared, You don't even have a clue about the people I "defend". Stick to your Fox News specials on "welfare moms" and "illegal immigrants". Thanks.
  6. L

    Poverty in the USA Just How Bad?????

    What an idiotic post. So children don't make mistakes Sara? Do you honestly want to sit there and believe that all teenagers have good judgment? Uh no. The only difference between these children and their wealthy counterparts is that they don't have the means to hire a lawyer that can make all...
  7. L

    Poverty in the USA Just How Bad?????

    SaraSara, No offense but you have no idea what you're talking about. How many projects have you visited? Kudos to your work with "undocumented" immigrants--I also worked with them when I was living in Atlanta. Unfortunately your post is simplistic and is a complete generalization about poor...
  8. L

    Health Questions

    I don't know when you spent those 10 years in LA but I can tell you that there is no way in hell that Buenos Aires is less polluted than present day LA. Air quality in LA has improved a lot since the 1990s. I can't remember the last time there was a "smog alert" in the city. And cars and buses...
  9. L

    I wish them well, it's about time for choice.

    No one. But many Argentines, though not all, seem to do it all the time with Paraguayans and Bolivians. Go figure. I guess once life exits the womb it's a whole different ball game. I must say that's pretty convenient.
  10. L

    I wish them well, it's about time for choice.

    You know those babies and kids in the subte getting pimped out by their mothers are pretty defenseless too. I wonder how many "pro-lifers" in Buenos Aires actually stop to give those "defenseless" children a helping hand. While the preaching of pro-life can make one all warm and fuzzy inside...
  11. L

    apple - just need confirmation

    But isn't that a bad analogy because she didn't take anything!? She didn't break into the computer as others have pointed out--it wasn't password protected. She merely turned it on or opened the lid. Sure she should not have done it but if she's good employee I think a talk and second chance is...
  12. L

    apple - just need confirmation

    This is interesting. I agree with French Jurist you should've have waited to accuse her and searched through other options to see if you could have caught her in the act. It's a catch 22 for you. All you have are your speculations but you cannot be 100% sure it was her. Web browsers can be...
  13. L

    What Neighborhood Should I Move To?

    Welcome fellow Angelino. I grew up in Silverlake about 10 mins from downtown so I know the area you're talking about well. As far as the grittiness factor you're right...San Telmo and where you lived in downtown LA is about the same. I'm not as familiar with Almagro but I would compare parts of...
  14. L

    Poverty in the USA Just How Bad?????

    This right here is everything that is wrong with a certain "mind think" in America. You've obviously never lived or seen the school curriculum in Bankhead, GA, certain parts of Watts and Compton, CA, and NE and SW quandrants in DC, or places in rural Louisiana. These are places that I have...
  15. L

    Shipping a macbook from D.C to B.A

    Yeah for them to go through all that (turning it on and checking for updates, which means nothing) is ridiculous. Hmmm maybe the person needed to buy a new laptop because their laptop died right before mine! Argentina.....people in other parts of the world do use two...
  16. L

    Shipping a macbook from D.C to B.A

    I don't get this one. They interrogated the guy or girl for one laptop and made them turn it on? I don't see how this would've happened if all the stickers and packaging were taken off. Laptops can still look new after a few months with people who are not slobs....and having a lot of stuff on...
  17. L

    Gym in Palermo Viejo with monthly fee?

    Aires Up in Palermo. You can google them. They offer a monthly membership. They have a requirement to get a physical by a doctor that they provide--just don't bring it up and they'll forget about that requirement.
  18. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    Body lice????? I don't know about that. I looked up the picture online and the bug I killed didn't look like a body louse. Also I bathe daily, clean my clothes regularly, etc. Body lice is like scabies, associated with people with bad hygiene. And if it was body lice why am I only getting bit in...
  19. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    !! Haha. For the record over 95% of the bites have been on the arms. With one on the neck, maybe one or two on the thigh, and the row of itchy things on my back I got once. Nothing on the ankles or lower legs ever......or groin area.
  20. L

    Debate: Bedbug or Tick

    Okay I think it's safe to rule out ticks. No bugs in my armpits, etc, etc. Other options are fleas and bedbugs. Bedbugs make more sense to me. The bug that I killed yesterday definitely did not look like a flea. I've had two dogs before and a flea it was not. And the one last week was flat and...