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  1. R

    another property-buying question

    hi, i posted a fair bit of =555]info regarding this and there's =506]info here as well which is posted by a friend of mine (and who asked me for the info). If you have any questions feel free to get in touch. Cheers, realba
  2. R

    Yes, Argentine spanish is polite...

    there's no reason to be defensive. No one's attacking Americans or american literature but merely stating that there are differences between british english and american english. americans are extremely well known as being more direct than the english when speaking. the comedy stereotypes simply...
  3. R

    Yes, Argentine spanish is polite...

    Language and society grows and changes. I'm sure there were people annoyed about the loss of 'thee' and 'thou' in English but that's what happens. Words become out-dated and defunct and ways of talking change. My mother swears more than my grandmother did and i swear more than my mother. Does...
  4. R

    Yes, Argentine spanish is polite...

    A poster on the smoking ban topic questioned my view that argentine spanish is polite. i thought i´d open up another topic to discuss this. this is my response to what he wrote. Yes, i speak pretty much fluent Spanish, and can switch between Chilean and Argentine intonation and pronunciation...
  5. R

    Smoking Ban Update

    it wouldn't surprise me if the ban were to be a great success, at least in the parts of the city most expats are likely to visit (ie the rich areas). despite the (frankly well-earned) reputation of being serial law breakers, argentines can sometimes be extremely courteous to their neighbours...
  6. R

    technological stuff....

    lap tops are ok (just don't bring the box) but if you try to bring a desk top in there's a chance you'll get pulled over by customs. every bag is x-rayed on arrival in buenos aires as you leave the airport. most of the time, the customs agents actually don't bother looking at the screen, feeling...
  7. R

    technological stuff....

    until you get a CUIT you cannot import your personal things as a new resident. and to get a CUIT you need your DNI (although i think it might be possible to get a temporary CUIT showing proof of residency). seriously, consult a customs lawyer before shipping anything. i know more than one expat...
  8. R

    technological stuff....

    if you don't have legal residency DO NOT ship anything as it will get impounded and you'll have to pay large amounts of cash in tax/bribes to get it out. also, speak to a customs lawyer before shipping anything as you'll need someone to get the stuff through customs whether you have residency or...
  9. R

    dollar-peso rate

    When i was negotiating the long-term rental of my flat, my prospective foreign tenant was wondering why i wanted a peso contract and not a dollar one. He was worried about the peso rising v the dollar making his rent more expensive and i was worried about the reverse. I wrote the following to...
  10. R

    Handyman needed

    Hey, email me [email protected] and let me know what kind of work you need doing- i'll then talk to my builder and we could arrange to meet so you can get a quote from him. cheers, matt
  11. R

    how do you check your messages?

    i was sent a private message the other day, i didn't have time to reply and now i can't find any link that allows me to re-read messages that have been sent my i just being a bit thick or is it not possible to read messages more than once????
  12. R

    Perjury as Part of Real Estate Purchase Process

    Corporations pay 35% capital gains tax when the property is sold. individuals don't. Whichever way you look at doing it, you'll come up against quite a few hassles. It's not actually difficult to buy property here it's just that it can be a hassle and somewhat time-consuming, especially when...
  13. R

    Perjury as Part of Real Estate Purchase Process

    I would say that 90% of non-resident foreigners are bringing in money illegally and it's probably the same percentage buying property without legal residency/on tourist visas mostly through ignorance of the rules and also because some of these so called experts that are helping foreigners buy...
  14. R

    Perjury as Part of Real Estate Purchase Process

    it's not the selling part, per se, it's the repatriation of funds that have been illegally introduced into argentina. No one really knows for sure what will happen. But my accountants and my escribano are extremely wary of getting involved with people who don't do things by the book. The fact...
  15. R

    Perjury as Part of Real Estate Purchase Process

    Well, i'll just say a few more things. Firstly, if you buy now you're buying at the peak of the market. I've been saying to prospective clients for the past 2-3 months that the market is peaking. Prices in the popular areas (eg recoleta, barrio norte, palermo) are now rising at around 3-8% a...
  16. R


    This is something i wrote a while back as a comment on someone's blog. It's regarding opening a bank account, but you need a cdi to open an account so it's pretty much a description of what you have to do to get the cdi: "Opening a bank account without a DNI is a pretty easy process but a bit...
  17. R

    Perjury as Part of Real Estate Purchase Process

    hi, First i'll state right off what my job is so as not to be accused of having an agenda. Myself and my chilean girlfriend help foreigners buy property here ( ) We're actually not going to be doing this for much longer as we're going to be moving to chile at some point...
  18. R


    no, you can't get a dni without a legal work/rentista/pensionista/representante/estudantil visa. and any visa you have must be valid for over a year to qualify for a dni. the dni is a local, argentine document so why would they give it out to a tourist who's not living legally in the country...
  19. R

    Amazing flat, perfect for long-term relocation

    Hi, I'm writing this to offer my flat for long term rental. You can get full details on The price is, per month, us$1650. I'm looking for a long term rental and, as such, the price stated is a jumping off point for negotiations rather than a fixed figure...