Search results

  1. Canick

    Should I Bring My Ferrari With Me To Ba?

    I think you have to decide what is more important to you: looking like a big shot or simply getting shot... :P bringing that car is just asking for trouble in my opinion. the potholes would be the least of your troubles...
  2. Canick

    Some Texans Don't Know Their Own State Flag

    most flags lack in the originality department...
  3. Canick

    Witnessed A Robbery...

    are you for real? or just super bored?
  4. Canick

    Witnessed A Robbery...

    I was in a taxi going towards Belgrano on thursday at 3pm as I saw my first real robbery go down. A woman in her 50-60's was walking alone down Libertador at Maure. (The opposite side of the street from the restaurant Kansas in Palermo). A motorcycle with two riders pulled up just behind her...
  5. Canick

    Really Good Juice Bar

    Congrats and good luck. i'll be in to try you out. i'm a big believer in supporting fellow expats who are crazy enough (like me) to come here for a start-up! and besides, my liver welcomes the healthy break! :)
  6. Canick

    Expat Hangouts

    you can search the threads as this has been covered many times, but a few bars off the top of my head in no particular order: (also depends on your age and interests etc) Sugar the Alamo Casa Bar Milion Franks Congo Gibraltar Carnal Rio Soria Temple Bar Rose Bar The Clubhouse (private club)...
  7. Canick

    Spicy Ramen & Pork Buns At New Fukuro Noodle Bar!

    a few of us from baexpats went to check it out tonight and it was excellent. tremendous service and delicious food. hot sauce was worth stealing, but I had to leave some for you to try. dumplings were phenomenal, as were the noodles..but the pork buns were so damn good we ate and reordered them...
  8. Canick

    Algodon Mansion Roof Party - Wednesday Night

    it's one of the nicest hotels in the city. sounds fun.
  9. Canick

    Spicy Ramen & Pork Buns At New Fukuro Noodle Bar!

    i have heard good things and am going next week to check it out!
  10. Canick

    United States Marine Corps Birthday Ball In Buenos Aires

    I hear the Palacio is just an amazing venue. sounds fun.
  11. Canick

    Dating For Men In Their Mid Forties?

    Please post your picture and we will let you know your chances. i'm sure you'll do fine. come on down. :P
  12. Canick

    Creative Writing In Ba

    very small group meeting monday nights 7pm-9pm every few weeks. we would love to have a few more creative minds join us. n
  13. Canick

    Second Writer's Workgroup - Monday Night, Oct 7Th

    sounds good. see you monday. n
  14. Canick

    Question Re Property Mgmt. Fees

    Has anyone had any experience working with "Oasis", either as a renter or as an owner? They are expat run and i'm thinking of doing business with them. love to hear your thoughts.
  15. Canick

    Walter Blanco...breaking Bad Latin America Style

    this made me laugh.... n make sure to check out video
  16. Canick

    Website Needed For New Business

    thanks to all who replied and gave me good advice. I know it's something i could do on my own, but I'm looking for an experienced "pro" so it doesn't look like a first timer did it. i guess i'm looking for someone who not only knows the logistics of creating a website and the whole tech side to...
  17. Canick

    Website Needed For New Business

    I'm am looking for someone to create a website for a new business here in BA. In a few months we will be launching THE HAIG- a boutique building for long and short term stays-with a focus on Expats/tourists that want a hotel alternative. it will be expat run, and hopefully will combine a safe...
  18. Canick

    Announcing Writer's Workgroup: Monday September 2Nd

    i'm interested. I am an experienced indie movie producer turned screenwriter. years of "brilliant" feedback and notes on other people's projects, but an absolute idiot when it comes to helping myself... n i may need a bit of cheese.
  19. Canick

    Business Ideas For Argentina

    it's far from Alabama ice tea, but coke just started selling ice tea here under their FUZE label. comes in peach and lemon in a plastic bottle. very sweet, but works wonders for hot days and hangovers! ;)
  20. Canick

    I See Larger Headcount Of Gringo In Argentina Vs Rest

    but you DO wear your gun on your hip!