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  1. D

    Authorized to Buy Dollars! Not Really?

    I wonder if this uncertainty in obtaining dollars will discourage people from hoarding dollars. NOT!!! At least with the black market dollars you do not have someone telling you how many dollars you can buy or when you can buy the dollars.
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    Authorized to Buy Dollars! Not Really?

    Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode and the Soup Nazi! No Dollars for you! NEXT!!!
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    Authorized to Buy Dollars! Not Really?

    I am an expat that can legally buy dollars before I travel. We went through the whole AFIP process to get this authorization. Of course, I can only have as many dollars as they determine, but that is another story. So for the last 3 days I have been going to my local Santander Rio and they...
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    What is the Media Law?

    CFK mentioned that things would not be so negative in the media once the media law is enacted at the end of the year. Does anyone have any details of what this law restricts? My wife says we are getting to be more like Cuba everyday...
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    Living in Olivos

    There are two great Sport Club gyms in Olivos. One is at Unicenter Mall and the other is at Norcenter Mall. Unicenter site is open on Sundays which is rare in this area.
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    AFIP Form to Buy Dollars for Traveling

    Is that time frame accurate? I am curious how many dollars they will allow a couple that will be traveling to the USA for 2 weeks will be allowed to purchase. Anyone been down this road recently? Do you have to prove that you spent all the dollars in the USA and return any dollars not spent...
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    AFIP Form to Buy Dollars for Traveling

    I will be traveling in a few months and am looking for the AFIP form that people are talking about in order to buy dollars legally. Does anyway have any experience with this process lately? I am curious as to how many dollars they will allow me to purchase? Any help will be greatly...
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    Nicoderm (The Patch, i.e., Smoking Cessation)

    Farmacity carries Nicoderm patches that are approximately the same cost as in the USA. The public hospitals also have smoking cessation programs where you can get the patches as well.
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    US Embassy Jobs

    For those that might qualify there are two jobs listed at the US Embassy. They both close this week though. Good luck.
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    US Embassy Job Information Specialist – FSN 10/FP 5

    The details can be found at the link below.
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    Online & Social Media Information Specialist at US Embassy Job

    Just saw this posted today at the US Embassy for those who can work legally.
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    Blackberry I bought put on "Stolen" blacklist

    You might try going to the shops that sell used phones. I know that there are a lot in Once, I am sure that some of them are stolen. You can tell them your situation and ask if they have a solution. There are literally 100's in the city and I am sure that someone will be able to help you. I...
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    This weekend Street Art Meeting of the Styles will not be the same city when they leave. The specifics are in the link below but basically the city gave the artists the paint and they are painting various locations in the city. I just returned from the corner of Mercado de las Pulgas, Niceto Vega y Dorrego, where they sell the old...
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    I haven't been able to get a good night's rest anywhere here

    Ambient noise is the way to go. We use a fan in the bed room and we can not hear any outside noise. In the winter we just face the fan to the wall. I can not sleep without it.
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    Sit Tight...Your Dollar is About To Go ALOT Further!

    What an awesome analysis. I am a BA Expat for life because of my Argentine friends and family here. When they struggle, we all struggle. Given all the complaining about the culture here, I have a lot of admiration for their strength of spirit, their survival instincts and their strong sense...
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    iphone 4 and Iphone 3 For Sale!

    It is hard to make an offer without knowing the capacity of the Iphones.
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    Cheapest way to have calls forwarded from the US to Argentina.

    I am using Skype for what you are considering. I have a local US number with Skype and that have that number setup to call forward to my Argentina home phone first and then my Argentina cell phone. I paid $18 for the number for three months and the calls that are forwarded cost about 25 cents...
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    On My Own

    Palermo to San Telmo is about 30 minutes by subway or an hour on bus 29. Maybe 20 minutes by taxi.
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    Brazilian expat

    What are some Brazilian dishes that you can prepare here? I really like the cuisine of Brazil but the ingredients are not always easy to come by. Saludos John
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    A peruvian newcomer =P

    One of my great experiences of Buenos Aires has been trying food from Peru. If you are tired of the same old thing in the Argentina Restaurants I highly recommend Peruvian food. The combination of cuisines is a very nice change from pasta, pizza, empanadas and carne.