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  1. L

    another looking to sell dollars...

    There's a place on the corner of Peña and Vincente Lopez. Its a place thats called Jewelry and Exchange. I changed some money about 2 or 3 weeks ago at 4.9. I would say that this week they will be giving quiiiite a good rate.
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    Pregnancy Cravings... Spaghetti-Os!!!

    Thanks!! I'll definitely check this out! Good idea on the tomato soup and pasta. That very well could be the closest I come!
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    Pregnancy Cravings... Spaghetti-Os!!!

    Any one know if you can even get these? I've been pretty good thus far with cravings, but I just can't stop thinking about SpaghettiOs! Yes, I understand its for kids and crappy food, but hey, a girls gotta get some!! Or even a can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli! Any luck??
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    Art supplies in West BA

    This is great! I've been looking for an arts and crafts store for ages. Maybe they'll have the foam wreath molds!! Just maybe...
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    Congrats!! I'm 33 weeks now and have had excellent care here. My doctor is Dr. German Romiglio who works exclusively with the cuerpo medical de Otamendi (can't think of English!!). I was a little skeptical at first because he's very by the book and was a little cold, but after months with him...
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    Glider Rocking chair

    Do these exist here? I'm looking for one for our baby room, and would prefer a glider chair that doesn't cost a fortune... Anyone have any luck finding something like this? Or a nice rocking chair that doesn't look like its for a grandma? Thanks!
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    Small Garage Sale

    Hi everyone! We've got a few things we're selling that we don't need. We're in Palermo so everything would need to be picked up here. Thanks!
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    Pesos in the US=No Good

    Thanks so much for this info! I had asked about this a little bit ago so its nice to see recent stories about changing pesos. We have no plans to move back, but we are trying to buy dollars at every chance. I would hate to leave here eventually with money that can't be used.. Thanks!!
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    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    Just talked to an old student of mine who happens to be the director of travelers checks in amex, and he said that you can indeed use pesos to buy USD travelers checks. They're available at almost all of the banks, but you do have to have an account there.
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    Marrige Question... Again!

    That was my thought as well. I've seen many "US-Destination" weddings where two foreigners go to the states to get married, and so I guess I'm confused as to why we would have to jump through all of the hoops when we don't have any intention of moving back to the states for quite a while? We...
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    Marrige Question... Again!

    Even if were just there on vacation? Meaning, we're going there, getting married and then coming back to BA. I guess I just don't understand why we would need the K-1 Visa...
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    Marrige Question... Again!

    Hi everyone! Just a quick question that I was hoping to get answered as the immigration lawyer back in the states that I met with wants to charge me $150 to ask another question.. My fiancee and I are looking at getting married in November of next year in the states as we're going to be...
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    Printing photos

    Me too!! I need something like this! Too bad they don't have Walgreens online to send a print.. Actually, is there something like this in argentina? Sending pictures to be printed online?
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    Restaurant for Work Gathering

    Hi to all the foodies! I'm looking for a place to have a nice, fun dinner with coworkers to celebrate a good year. I've look at the blog and there are quite a few places that I think would be good. I would say that the majority are adventurous eaters, but just in case...
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    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    Ahh... I had assumed that when buying travelers checks you could buy them in Dollars... So what exactly do people do? Besides going to the black market??
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    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    And so has anyone had any luck or experience with travelers checks? I would say American Express ones would be the best idea, I just don't know what rate they charge.
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    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    Thanks Yanqui! I'm an American and have bank accounts back home so I'll have to check with my bank to see what going on. Oddly enough there is a Argentine that works at my local branch! And John St: I think most Americans think in USD.... As we'll eventually be moving back, it'd be nice to...
  18. L

    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    If we can sell the call for Dollars, we definitely will. It just seems impossible for people to get dollars, especially after reading that 90% of requests are denied.. Thanks for the advice on Chase if it come to that!
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    Exchanging Pesos in the US

    Hi Everyone! We were just discussing changing Pesos to Dollars in the States. Has anyone done this? If so, what kind of rate did they give you? Or would it just be easier to change the money to travelers checks to cash in the states? Could this help solve the issue of getting USD out of the...
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    Kindle Book Club? Or the like?

    Hi Everyone, I'm sorry for the short notice, but the book club for tomorrow has to be cancelled.. As we've had something come up urgently, I'm afraid tomorrow wont work. It seems that for most people, Tuesday nights are good, so I'll try to organize another one hopefully for next week...