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  1. N

    Immigration For Dummies

    I got residencia via student visa, and dni came in one month. This was april-may of this year. You go to Retiro with your papers saying you are a registered in classes. The give you the precaria same say, you pay the dni fee same day, then go home and check the immigration status everyday to...
  2. N

    Finally Created Account :)

    Welcome to forum Josh. Hope you'll enjoy living here. BsAs is not an entirely wheelchair friendly city, but its far better than other places i've been. All buses and subways have wheelchair support and most public buildings have wheelchair access.
  3. N

    Rent Nightmare

    In my opinion, some people's opinions are stupid.
  4. N

    Immigration After Birth Of Child...just Got My Dni Today...

    I'm about to have a child in about a month or so, i would love to hear about the process. I currently have a DNI with temporary residency, i wonder if its completely different process.
  5. N

    How To Get Into The Argentine Rental Market?

    Annual adjustment of 30%. Deposit is one months rent. Still works out to be less than paying in dollars. And you have furniture of your own at the end. My advice is if you plan to stay 2 years, its worth getting a place priced in pesos, buying the seguro de causion, paying the inmobilaria...
  6. N

    How To Get Into The Argentine Rental Market?

    Hi, I'm transitioning from a short term rental to a long term rental. I don't have a garantia but i was able to get 'seguro de causion' from this company They asked for proof of local income which i don't have but if you have friends here with local income, they can sign...
  7. N

    Moving In Sept! Any Advice?

    There is no control during the year, at least not that i know of. But if you don't go to classes you won't be able to renew you visa the next year. They will ask for classes history and marks received from the previous year. Registering for classes requires timing, you can only do it twice a...
  8. N

    Argentine Credit Card System

    What does that mean? I don't get the 12 cuotas sin interes part. Whats a cuota?
  9. N

    No Sh*t!

    Now if they could start fixing the busted side walks in palermo. I mean jeeze! how are they allowed to dig up the sidewalk and then leave it like that? and not just one or two places BUT EVERYWHERE. Dog poop i can avoid, but when it rains and that dog poop gets under loose sidewalk tiles, you...
  10. N

    Argentine Credit Card System

    Hi, This may sound like a really silly question but i don't understand how the credit card system works here. In the States its pretty straight forward, - you apply directly to one of the card companies, - you get a card with a predefined limit, - you buy something using the card, - you you...
  11. N

    Moving In Sept! Any Advice?

    I agree. God damned apples!!!
  12. N

    Cheating-Affairs How Common Is It In Ba?

    There are no strip clubs in bsas just bars filled ugly prostitutes.
  13. N

    Moving In Sept! Any Advice?

    Maybe the OP doesn't like apples.
  14. N

    Trouble With Xoom

    I hit a problem with xoom sending money to an argentine account. They said there was some limit to the amount you could send in a 30 day period. Not a limit to any account, but a limit in general. This was weird because i sent myself lots of money in the past without a problem (much more than...
  15. N

    Getting A Us Turist Visa For The Girlfriend

    I gave my girlfriend my US tax return as proof that I can afford to pay for the trip, but she said that they didn't ask for proof. The only thing they looked at was her school papers. Like Crema Americana said, just show them the wedding invitation and tell them what the plans are and it should...
  16. N

    Getting A Us Turist Visa For The Girlfriend

    I did exactly what the OP wants to do two months ago. I wanted to take my argentine GF to the states to meet my parents. She had no passport and is a 21 year student with no real job or property. She got her passport really quickly (i was surprised argentine can be efficient with somethings)...
  17. N

    Apartment Need For August.
  18. N

    Dollar $11,65 Pesos Unstoppable Tommorow Over $12 ?

    My real question is why now? It can't be that they were waiting for a low price of the dollar because the dollar hasn't changed much in months. It can't be that the soy farmers decided that mid/late May is time to move their products, without cause or reason. It would nice to know what the...
  19. N

    Dollar $11,65 Pesos Unstoppable Tommorow Over $12 ?

    Does anyone know why the sudden surge of activity in the blue market? It hit $13 in January the fell like a rock after they lifted the cepo a little bit, and stayed around around $10 for months with very little fluctuations. Then all of a sudden, its spiking. What is happening? I don't get it...
  20. N

    Galeno Heath Insurance :-(

    I'm pretty new to the healthcare system here, but when you guys say 'go the guardia', you mean go to the emergency room of any sanatoria in your health plan right?