Rent Nightmare

Sigh indeed. I am sure you will meet your match in "real" life, as and when someone in your family create a nuisance of themselves, in the building you are living in.

I reiterate, wailing loud 'going bonkers' kind of kids of the neighbors in the building or in the aeroplane, is like the worst night mare coming true

If saying this much, that makes me appear as a "ass", so be it!

Enough said.
Sorry, but in the post in response to which you trotted out your tripe about 'anyone has right to any opinion' I clearly said (emphasis added):

Not to say that parents shouldn't be keeping their kids reasonably behaved, this is obvious. Just that it happens often enough that people who never had kids - or who haven't had them in a while - can quickly get unreasonable.

I am as annoyed as the next passenger at hearing a baby scream on a plane. That said, I am also a parent and know that sometimes children - especially babies - will be inconsolable during a flight, especially a long one. This will sometimes happen despite the best efforts on the part of parents, who if they are decent people are mortified at what is happening and will/would do anything to stop it. Some people will respond with understanding, some will not. You get to choose which camp you want to belong to. Same for countless other child-related mishaps, which may sometimes will happen at home within earshot of neighbors. Do you suggest parents with babies not fly? Require parents to live in special buildings with reinforced walls?

I simply suggested that people who are not parents are often less understanding of the facts of life than those who are, adding a caveat regarding obvious parental responsibilities - which you seemed to miss.

Either I somehow grossly misunderstood you, in which case I apologize, or you are indeed an ass. Your last personal and highly offensive comment "when someone in your family create a nuisance of themselves, in the building you are living in" strongly suggests the latter.

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]"Enough said" [/background]- agreed.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]"Enough said" [/background]- agreed.

did not bother reading your complete long rhetoric but its long length and yr effort to have the last say in the matter, made me smile, somehow ! Since I am sure, you will not stop at this and will continue to spew some of your more pent-up venom at me ( as a indirect result of a hard life you may be leading) for next several days- so its time to put a "ass" ( No 2??) like you in my block list. I suggest you do the same to me - considering the impact, my posts seemed to have on your already harsh life. Have a good evening. This is "the ass" ( No. 1) signing off :)
did not bother reading your complete long rhetoric but its long length and yr effort to have the last say in the matter, made me smile, somehow ! Since I am sure, you will not stop at this and will continue to spew some of your more pent-up venom at me ( as a indirect result of a hard life you may be leading) for next several days- so its time to put a "ass" ( No 2??) like you in my block list. I suggest you do the same to me - considering the impact, my posts seemed to have on your already harsh life. Have a good evening. This is "the ass" ( No. 1) signing off :)

So you bothered to respond to something you couldn't be bothered to read. OK. Translation to English: (fingers-in-ears) Cant hear you, neener-neener...

When somebody pulls that one, punctuated by juvenile taunting, especially after a fairly long, fairly on-topic back-and-forth, it usually means one thing.

I never bothered learning how to block people, and won't be doing so now - if I want to ignore someone, I can, you know, simply ignore their posts. Besides, and the perplexing thing here, is that based on your history here I don't have you pegged as somebody this juvenile - if I had, I wouldn't have debated you to start with. Whatever. [shrug]
Anyone and everyone in this world belonging to any strata of the society, or any country, or of any color, cast, religion or creed has a right to his/her opinion on any matter which may or may not affect him/her directly or indirectly.

In my opinion, some people's opinions are stupid.
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As far as the noise your neighbors are making (music til 11 pm), unfortunately they're allowed to do so until a certain time. Maybe someone can confirm the hours more accurately, I think it's til midnight?? during the week and til 2 or 3 am during the weekend (fri-sat)? But don't quote me on it. After that time you can complain to the police who can come knocking like they would in the states to break up a party, it's happened to parties I've been at where we were admittedly loud/disrespectful of the neighbors.

For your picky neighbors, everyone has one (if not more) neighbor who just has to ride your ass. When we first moved in our dog had a difficult time adjusting to the move (to put it mildly, severe anxiety) and he'd cry when we left him. It was awful for all involved, we apologized over and over and over until he adjusted, stopped going out for months, etc. Yet still neighbors hated our dog, to the point of one accusing him of eating the street cats. Then going as far as to say I myself trapped street cats to feed to said dog. Neighbors can be say the least haha The downside to such close quarters in city living...good luck with yours!! Try not to let it get to you..
I live in Recoleta.

And yes im not defending that I have pin drop silence in my house but yes we (me & kids) try very hard that there are no complaints, but if they even pull up a chair to sit on the table or walk about in the house, someone comes knocking!

I have been living in Recoleta for about 23 years. It definitely is not the most kid friendly neighborhood in the city, but this varies greatly from one building to another. A lot of the "recoletos" can come up as mean as they live in one of the most aristocratic places in the city ( if there is such a thing ). I have a 3 year old, we are not loud people at all, but thankfully we have families with kids both upstairs and downstairs. So nobody will go nuts if the kids are playing and throw a toy around. This being said, I try to take him to the park as much as I can, just so he burns some energies and is more relaxed when we are back ( the only thing is that I wear myself out and he keeps going hehehe ). Use your common sense, do not let nasty neighbors bother you. The custom is that after 8.30-9 am and until 10.30 pm noises are ok. On the weekends noise is tolerated until whenever. Then again, there is nothing written and I am just telling you what the custom is.
This may be just me but my feeling on the subject of noisy neighbors is as follows...I have the right to the quiet enjoyment of my home. And I don't mean hearing a door slam, a conversation in a hallway, footsteps or any other everyday sound that comes from living. However, I won't put up with constant noise such as loud music, screaming, repeated stomping around, from anyone, children or adults, because I don't do those things myself and never did, I was never allowed to when I was a child, and don't allow that in my apartment when people visit. I mean if I hear some shouting or music for a few minutes, okay I am not going to complain, but if you impose your noisy life on me for an extended period of time, or at night when I want to sleep, well then you will certianly hear it from me. And just because you come to me previously and say something like "I have children, I am a musician, I play the drums, I have a pet wolf" means absolutely nothing to me. Keep the excessive noise to yourself, soundproof your home, move to the campo or rent a rehearsal studio / playspace, wear headphones, etc.

When it comes to kids misbehaving in restaurants, airplanes, other public places, etc. while not ideal, I am definitely more tolerant to that, because I know kids get excited, and I am only there temporarily and its usually a matter of at most a couple of hours. However I will not have my sanity put on the line in my own home becase you don't have control of your children or yourself and your own (adults do it too) noisy and annoying behavior. Unfortunately some people's parents never teach them to be considerate of others, and this follows them throughout life and causes them problems in their own families later on. The other sad commentary about this issue is it's another example of how people have stopped taking responsibility for their behavior and blame others, a prime example is of this is when the OP stated that "someone knocks on my door and tells me 'rudely' to keep the kids quiet". Parents with this mentality are exactly those who raise children that will become the problems of tomorrow's society of miscreants and sociopaths.
This may be just me but my feeling on the subject of noisy neighbors is as follows...I have the right to the quiet enjoyment of my home. And I don't mean hearing a door slam, a conversation in a hallway, footsteps or any other everyday sound that comes from living. However, I won't put up with constant noise such as loud music, screaming, repeated stomping around, from anyone, children or adults, because I don't do those things myself and never did, I was never allowed to when I was a child, and don't allow that in my apartment when people visit. I mean if I hear some shouting or music for a few minutes, okay I am not going to complain, but if you impose your noisy life on me for an extended period of time, or at night when I want to sleep, well then you will certianly hear it from me. And just because you come to me previously and say something like "I have children, I am a musician, I play the drums, I have a pet wolf" means absolutely nothing to me. Keep the excessive noise to yourself, soundproof your home, move to the campo or rent a rehearsal studio / playspace, wear headphones, etc.

When it comes to kids misbehaving in restaurants, airplanes, other public places, etc. while not ideal, I am definitely more tolerant to that, because I know kids get excited, and I am only there temporarily and its usually a matter of at most a couple of hours. However I will not have my sanity put on the line in my own home becase you don't have control of your children or yourself and your own (adults do it too) noisy and annoying behavior. Unfortunately some people's parents never teach them to be considerate of others, and this follows them throughout life and causes them problems in their own families later on. The other sad commentary about this issue is it's another example of how people have stopped taking responsibility for their behavior and blame others, a prime example is of this is when the OP stated that "someone knocks on my door and tells me 'rudely' to keep the kids quiet". Parents with this mentality are exactly those who raise children that will become the problems of tomorrow's society of miscreants and sociopaths.

Thanks Davidglen. You expressed the whole issue so beautifully and in a politely correct manner. I agree 100% with you, on each and every word said, in the quoted paragraph. Couldn't agree more!
In my opinion, some people's opinions are stupid.

Awesome. So there you are! You have a opinion as well.

As all five fingers on the hand are not of the same size. All People in this world all don't think alike. Each has a different mind, experience of life and expectations from people around him or from the world. What may sound as stupid to one , may be a brainwave for the other. What may sound as the most brilliant opinion to one, may sound racial or derogatory to other.

But having said that - everyone still has a right to one's opinion. Those hearing that particular opinion have right to counter with their own respective opinion. and then, life goes on!