This may be just me but my feeling on the subject of noisy neighbors is as follows...I have the right to the quiet enjoyment of my home. And I don't mean hearing a door slam, a conversation in a hallway, footsteps or any other everyday sound that comes from living. However, I won't put up with constant noise such as loud music, screaming, repeated stomping around, from anyone, children or adults, because I don't do those things myself and never did, I was never allowed to when I was a child, and don't allow that in my apartment when people visit. I mean if I hear some shouting or music for a few minutes, okay I am not going to complain, but if you impose your noisy life on me for an extended period of time, or at night when I want to sleep, well then you will certianly hear it from me. And just because you come to me previously and say something like "I have children, I am a musician, I play the drums, I have a pet wolf" means absolutely nothing to me. Keep the excessive noise to yourself, soundproof your home, move to the campo or rent a rehearsal studio / playspace, wear headphones, etc.
When it comes to kids misbehaving in restaurants, airplanes, other public places, etc. while not ideal, I am definitely more tolerant to that, because I know kids get excited, and I am only there temporarily and its usually a matter of at most a couple of hours. However I will not have my sanity put on the line in my own home becase you don't have control of your children or yourself and your own (adults do it too) noisy and annoying behavior. Unfortunately some people's parents never teach them to be considerate of others, and this follows them throughout life and causes them problems in their own families later on. The other sad commentary about this issue is it's another example of how people have stopped taking responsibility for their behavior and blame others, a prime example is of this is when the OP stated that "someone knocks on my door and tells me 'rudely' to keep the kids quiet". Parents with this mentality are exactly those who raise children that will become the problems of tomorrow's society of miscreants and sociopaths.