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  1. D

    Argentines’ latest weapon against currency controls? Shopping abroad

    things are expensive here because: Import taxes/duties put the price of everything up here, including machinery to make stuff/process food/transport goods etc. Argentina is not a high value manufacturing country, so most technology, manufacturing equipment has to be imported. Even the companies...
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    From US to BA, can I get job that pays in US$?

    The people i know in BSAS who get paid in a foreign currency are people who have transferred here through their employer on a set contract - as in a year or 2, and they are paid a portion in pesos to live on here, and the rest is paid for into a bank account in their home country. If you are...
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    3 Dogs have been poisened in Parque Las Heras the las couple of days!

    I have lived on alot of islands, as in tropical, and some actually control stray dogs by poisoning with dart guns, they usually do it once a year, any dogs running wild are shot with a dart, and most run home to their owners and hide under the house and die there.. I think dogs should be...
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    Is it just the season or what?

    It can be hit and miss with meat here.. any off colour and i dont buy.. eg meat/mince with grey/blue bits in it.. and i have noticed the look of the meat is getting worse too, and always alot more stock on shelves so maybe isnt selling as fast as it use to.
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    Medellin Questions

    I was in medellin between dec and march, i had a thin fleece which i wore a couple of times in the early morning (as in between 6 and 8am), and i think once until lunch time, but generally it was always warm. Electronics are more expensive than the states, but not alot, maybe 10%. so nothing...
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    Are you famous, semi-famous or potentially semi famous?

    reminds me of a saying we have, "world famous in new zealand" when we talk about something iconic back home... heres a link to an ad which uses the phase:
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    Is Argentina a good idea?

    I have been passing through GRU twice each year for the past 5 years, staying for 3 or 4 days each time. I would say up until the end of last year sao paulo was more expensive than BSAS, not from inflation, but because the real was getting stronger against the US$/Euro every time i went there...
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    Officially Done with BA

    To those people who think crime in BA isnt bad compared to world standards: How many people actually report the crimes here. All the locals i know here dont, they tell me its a waste of time, and that the police either a) dont come. b) come to see what they can steal. Just look at what happened...
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    At home security -- Locks

    Bumping works with barrel locks... So if you have the old style locks, the ones you can see through the key hole to the other side, and you put a key in it, and turn 1/4 turn (90o) they can not put a key in the other side to unlock. These cant be bumped. Barrel locks have 2 barrels, one on each...
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    Is this Fishy?

    I wouldnt do it for someone i dont know. She is just using you, and customs might land you with a 50% tax on it which the landlady might refuse to pay.. Also if you are already bring a laptop its going to be hard to explain why you have another new one. What i would do however is tell her you...
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    Officially Done with BA

    Yes, its not a smart thing to do here, however i come from a town where this stuff doesnt happen, and when someone rings the door bell we just open it, dont even have a peephole, and here i would probably do the same thing as its ingrained/a normal reaction, and because i am in a "securer...
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    BA city 1960

    Its amazing what a few years has done.. I loved the fact that there didnt seem to be many buildings over 5 stories back then, or that traffic wasnt so bad, or people everywhere on sidewalks, and there looks to be alot more open spaces and parks, which he disappeared to apt buildings..... those...
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    overstayed visa but need brasilian visa..

    Brazil has become more anal about visa's, especially if you are from the us or au or other country that requires brazilian citizens to get visas before travel and dont make it easy. They might give you a visa here at the embassy, but that doesnt mean in brazil they will let you in, depending...
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    Shipping Nearby

    I am surprised you couldnt get something shipped here from amazon, as a friend got some books about a month ago, he order maybe 2 months ago though, and he had to go to EZE to collect.
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    Has CFK completely lost touch?

    I do not know anyone here who pays there proper tax rate, most pay some, and even pay their workers part in white and part in black. They say they wouldnt make any profit otherwise. I dont know how true that is, as with any country people want to pay as little tax as they can get away with...
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    Work Visa Question

    I dont know if this is the case for you, but when i applied for rentista visa (temp residency) again last year i had to provide a police report for all countries i had lived in for more than 6 months in the last 5 years. Even though i have not lived in NZ for many years i also had to provide a...
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    At A Crossroads: Economics or Computers

    Forget about the interships for a minute.. What interests you more ? Do you see yourself settling in one place or moving about ? I am a computer consultant, and have worked in many countries for international companies. I have for the last 7 or 8 years just done my own thing, have a few...
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    Govt Says No More MoneyGram?

    I am guessing that if they are blocking it, its because they dont have any control over the money movements via places like moneygram, where the banks they do. So maybe it will be either ATM withdrawals or TT to bank accounts here.
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    work permit application process from Bs As?

    Yes i am a kiwi... The working holiday visa is valid for a year - well for kiwis anyways... and once you have had it once you cant renew. If you are emailing in english i dont think you will ever get a reply.. Your best bet is to contact arg embassy in sydney.. If you get a job offer, it is...
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    work permit application process from Bs As?

    You will be very lucky to get a reply from any arg gov department, let alone immigration. Why dont you apply for a working holiday visa, (i think aus now has them with arg) or work visa at the sydney embassy. Any dealings with immigration takes months, to renew residency visas it is recommended...