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  1. S

    Sell vehicle: TOYOTA 4Runner 2004

    hello Paul, it will work for a EXPAT-EXPAT who have ONLY a turist visa here in Argentina. For all other EXPAT who have the residence or/and DNI it will not work less she/he will nationalize it in Argentina. Otherwise it could be that the are not coming back to Argentina with the car before it...
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    @arva22 many thanks for that info. I have heared that there is a RENAPER office at Migraciones but never known exaclty where :D @nikad it will not work because DNI (Extranjero) will not be renewed or changed from any CGP in Capital. Only from proofed RENAPER offices like Sub-SEDE 4 ;) The only...
  3. S

    xxx....and counting.

    I am living for 5 years here in Buenos Aires and never had any problem in bus, subte or anywhere in any neighborhood. And I will use my smart phone as well at home as outside. I guess that there are some places like Constitucion or Boca where you should not go into at night like "I am a Gringo I...
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    traveling alone at 16

    yes like the same but I forgot some information : Very important is that the passport for people under 18 years MUST be valid for more than 6 month (beginning with the journey) or you can directly fly back !!! For people over 18 years there is no problem if the passport is only valid at least...
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    traveling alone at 16

    hello, some time ago the limit here in Argentina was 21 years (now 18 years) for travelling alone. But now the answer for persons under 18 years : If you are younger than 18 years it can be very difficult to coming to Argentina even you have a European Passport. Normally if the person comes...
  6. S

    Just arrived.. ATM fees and more...

    the whole bank system here in Argentina is a real shit because of a lot of goverment laws. But I don't think that the ATM fees is a result of any goverment stuff because the fee exist in Paraguay too. The ATM fees here in Argentina had take effect since September 2009 on all cash machines and...
  7. S

    Bank account

    thx 4 that information. Payout through LatinExpress is very expensive because they rate the ARS/US$ only with 3,648 !!! :mad: Depending on the amount should I go to a bigger branch like "central" in Reconquista or should each branch have enough US$ in stock ? As I have a DNI (Extranjero) it...
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    Bank account

    Hello, I guess for smaler transfers (<1.500 US$) cash through ATM/CreditCard is the cheapest way. But by the way - as I guess XOOM is much cheaper for bigger transfers I am not so sure because the currency payout is bad as from Western Union and you will loose a lot of money (like 200 Pesos per...
  9. S

    In What Neighbourhood do YOU Live?

    Las Cañitas (between Palermo and Belgrano).
  10. S

    Moving to BA and looking for a job

    each embassy here in BsAs will do it (but mostly for higher costs as in the origin country). But you can translate and apostile the documents also through some "escribanos" who are confirmed to do that work and this way is the cheapest one . bye schef4711
  11. S

    Moving to BA from NYC - advice needed

    Winter time is the best time to rent :) If you will rent it through a private owner it is much cheaper as through a agency. All over 600 US$ for a 2 room apartment is overkilled and overprices also in Palermo and Recoleta. I use Fibertel Cable Broadband and it works very fine without any big...
  12. S

    Owner- Furnished appartment in Palermo/ Ca

    Hi,I'm living a long time in Las Cañitas ?? The only thing I know between Palermo and Las Cañitas is the train-station :o) But where are good coffee-shops here ?? Can you explain me where because I only know one good shop located in Microcentro ?? bye schef4711
  13. S

    Expatriates watching the Super Bowl?

    I will check out the game through my LCD at home with some bottles of real good wine :o) bye schef4711
  14. S

    long term 2 BR

    hi,what is inexpensive for you ?? normally for long term as tourist rate you never should pay more than 600-700 US$ for it. All prices more expensive are overkilled !!!What should be a long term ? 6 month, 1 year, 2 years ?? If you are thinking about to rent for like 2 years you should look for...
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    Wifi at EZE Airport

    hi,in the smoke area near the duty free there are two connects - one is free the other is for pay. bye schef4711
  16. S

    English speaking hospital?

    Hi sofie,let me be correct. You will flight in your 8th month ?? If it is so, you have a great problem. So if you don't have the flight permission from your doctor (after 7th month) you can't flight because no airline will transport you without medical support to any longer destination (more...
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    Healthcare in S America

    next commercial post ... maybe you have luck with this.bye schef4711
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    (newcomer)meeting on Saturday 26

    hi martin,if somebody like commercial meetings and "very confidential" in all cases like domain "as privacy hidden", webseite "without impressum", meetings "wine taste", and so on :(I prefer at all private meetings without any commercial background. bye schef4711
  19. S

    Coffee / lunch anyone?

    Hi,next meeting today (see newcomer forum) at 21:30 :) please read your email or notes :) bye schef4711
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    (newcomer)meeting on Saturday 26

    Hi,every body have a email and a note with the details of our meeting today :Pbye schef4711