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  1. A

    Buying a second-hand car

    All I found online was a link in the GCBA's page stating that you need a DNI. . Also, you aparently need a CUIL/CUIL to register the transfer. However, I'm still not really sure if you can somehow bypass these requirements...
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    Courses at UBA

    You can see all requirements in UBA's website,
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    Property registry

    The city gvmt. office HenryNisental mentioned is the Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble The address is Venezuela 1135 and you have to request the "Informe numero 1". If you have doubts you can check their FAQ or just ask here. I can also help you get it.
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    Importing Personal Items from the US

    If your despachante de aduana doesn't know, ask another one. I can refer you to a lawyer that does customs if you need it.
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    Pilar on weekends by combi/mini bus?

    Like CityGirl said, buy the cards. Paying in change here is the same as with all public buses in Buenos Aires: coins.
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    Pilar on weekends by combi/mini bus?

    You can take a bus, line Nbr. 57; it has a normal and a 'differential' service. It leaves from Plaza Italia in 15 minute intervals. I'm not sure if it stops exactly at or near Campo de Deportes of San Agustin's school. If it doesn't, you might...
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    Starting a Business in Buneos Aires

    You asked CityGirl, but I'll go ahead and answer as well. Regarding local regulations, banks, taxes, etc. (including lawyer fees) you can check out this blog: As for the permits, you may see...
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    Starting a Business in Buneos Aires

    What type of business? There's a thread about opening a bar that has some helpful information. Do you have a resident visa that allows you to work in Argentina? If not, you should get one. When opening a business you can do it either on your own name or start a company (SA or SRL)...
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    Tomato Seeds or Seedlings?

    What variety do you want? Online (on mercadolibre) you can find several people that will sell you seeds for different varieties, with prices ranging from AR$5 to AR$ 20. Some supermarkets might also have them (yesterday i saw onion seeds at Jumbo, and Easy also has seeds). The INTA has a...
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    Am I paranoid?

    There is certainly 6 months legal rent in Argentina. Do not be confused about this. 2 year contracts are only for a permanent housing. Contracts for tourism may be for up to 6 months. If she did file a police report for the missing items, chances are the case is closed already for lack of...
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    How to Mail a Letter to the US

    you may see the current correo argentino prices here:
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    ATM - No cash dispensed but charged anyway

    I have experience with local cards/banks, and it is some paperwork but eventually the client gets his money back. I believe it should be the same with a foreign card. Go to the Banco Nacion where it happened (preferably with someone that speaks Spanish) and remember to take the receipt slip the...
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    Is there a way to get a DNI faster?

    My DNI agent told me that the 'regular' tramite is closed but that the 'por izquierda' tramite is working as usual. In all, the process will take about 1 month if all your documents are in order. Contact me in pm if you want me to put you in contact with him.
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    Visa Renewal, am I too late?

    All terms in the Immigration law are stated in days, not months. However, Argentine law (Civil Code, section 25) states that terms of months or years end on the same day the respective month has, regardless of the number of days the months or years have. Thus, a term beginning on the 15th of a...
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    Expat being deported due to visa problem

    Assumptions (presunciones) in Argentine law are established by law or by a judge in a specific case, and not by an administrative office, as is Migraciones. What did they do at his workplace? Who did they talk to? Under what circumstance were those statements taken? Were there any faults in...
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    Expat being deported due to visa problem

    Segio, give us more information about the reasons for the rejection.
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    The infamous CUIL

    Steve, my post was unclear. With 'working visa', i meant a visa that allows you to work legally. That would be any type of temporary or permanent visa, as opposed to transitory visas. Foreigners with any kind of temporary or permanent visa should be able to obtain the CUIT or CUIL without...
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    Banking Questions

    Obligations in foreign currency are regulated in the Civil Code, Book II, Section 1, First Part, Title VII, Chapter IV, articles 617 and 619. "Article 617. If the act which has become the obligation, has been stipulated in a currency other than the legal tender in the Republic, the obligation...
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    Troubles With Building Administration

    Ryan, if your landlord accepted signing a contract with no guarantor that is his/her issue, not yours. This does not affect the validity of the contract, and having a guarantor would not give you any additional rights. Anything you agree with the landlord should be in writing, and if you can...
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    Banking Questions

    It is perfectly legal in Argentina to sign a contract in any foreign currency. If the contracts you sign with your landlord states the price in a foreign currency, the creditor (landlord) may refuse payment in any other currency.The creditor may also refuse to accept partial payments. Whatever...