Search results

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    Buenos Aires Salaries

    The treaty to avoid double taxation between Argentina and the US is limited to income from operations of ships and aircrafts. For a list of all treaties to avoid double taxation entered into by Argentina you can see the AFIP's webpage...
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    Antecendentes penales...Can you get a turno?

    It's faster with the Registro Nacional de Reincidencia, rather than with the Police. You can see on their webpage if they have an office near where you are Anyway, Antartida Argentina is Reg. Nac. Reincidencias, not the Police. Only Azopardo...
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    RobeartoNYC has arrived

    Welcome. Hope you enjoy your time here.
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    I am looking for a business adviser in BA

    Hello, Send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll send to you a memorandum with the legal structures commonly used in Argentina, and an overview of labor and tax laws. You can see our practice areas and credentials at Regards,
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    Visa - Certificate of criminal records

    If you apply for your visa at the consulate in London, and you have lived in the UK for the past 5 years, the certificate of criminal records is not required. If you have lived in any other country, the certificate from that country is required.
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    Buenos Aires Salaries

    Here's a company that sells this information. The example they have online has some salaries (manager & receptionist), and can help you get an idea. They say that in May 2009 a receptionist was making at least AR$1400 and a manager at least AR$4000. I would guess that the person you're looking...
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    90 days or 3 months?

    All terms in the Immigration law are stated in days, not months. However, if your passport says 3 months, and you want to take your chances, Argentine law (Civil Code, section 25) states that terms of months or years end on the same day the respective month has, regardless of the number of...
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    Hello, I´m Roxana , a poet in BA

    Welcome to the forum. May we see some samples of your poetry?
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    Steve has a personal issue with lawyers, as you can see here: But that has also been discussed in this forum: We are not all...
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    Customs and Ezeiza

    All the information is in the Aduana's (customs) website. In Spanish. If anybody has any difficulty understanding it, and google translator can't solve it, ask and I'll help you. Encomiendas particulares Encomiendas comerciales...
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    FBI Background Check

    Argentine consulate in NY
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    FBI Background Check

    You can get a head start obtaining your birth certificate (and your husband's), marriage certificate (once you're married), your passport, and husband's DNI. If you'll apply for the visa at the Argentine Consulate in NY you should check with them to see if they have any other requirements. The...
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    Happy Hour for Argentines who relocated back to Buenos Aires after living abroad

    Meeting for happy hours is usually not possible for me. If anyone is available mid-afternoon, for a beer or coffee, let me know.
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    Adding to what ElQueso said, with the residencia precaria you can also apply for a CUIT or CUIL.
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    Export & Import Business in Argentina

    I can give you information on the legal aspects of your business, especially corporate, labor and an overview of applicable taxes. You may contact me through my website or by email at [email protected]. As for importing/exporting, you will have to register the...
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    Counterfeit money in ATM's?

    Getting fake bills at an ATM is unlikely but possible (the people that count and replace them are well trained, but a good counterfeit could get through). If you do get them you can complain. You will have to fill out some paperwork (forms for the Federal Police division of the Central Bank)...
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    Haiti?? How can we help from buenos aires

    Google has a list of options for helping. You can even donate to Unicef and CARE through their page.
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    Taiwanese / Asian Visa ISsue

    Yes, that's correct. She would apply for a visa under the criteria of "family reunification", article 10 of the immigration law 25.871. "ARTICLE 10. - The State guarantees the right to family reunification of immigrants with their parents, spouses, unmarried underage children or older children...
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    Taiwanese / Asian Visa ISsue

    I do not have experience with Taiwanese citizens requesting visas for Argentina. There is, however, a significant Taiwanese community here. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs page says that they require a "certificado de viaje" (travel certificate). I suppose it is similar to the authorization that...
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    Taiwanese / Asian Visa ISsue

    In fact, they are. If you check the visa requirements you'll see the different treatment. For example, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, among others do not require a tourist visa. Indonesia, Philippines, among others, require a consular tourist visa. China, for example, requires a tourist...