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    Yes, a another work visa question.

    I don't really know if she should bring it up or not at interviews. Maybe someone with experience in recruiting could help you better with this. I do think that she should know what's required in case it comes up. All requirements are listed in Disposition 56647/2005 of the Dirección Nacional...
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    Yes, a another work visa question.

    I suggest that she doesn't limit her search to companies that are already registered. Registration in Migraciones to hire non-Mercosur foreign employees is very simple and fast. The company will have to submit a copy of its by-laws, registration of its Board of Directors, copy of last...
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    Taiwanese / Asian Visa ISsue

    What kind of "issues" did your friend say you would have? Not all Asian countries have the same treatment regarding visas.
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    Illegal to have English-language books sent here?

    I've never heard of such a law, and I'm pretty confident that it doesn't exist. I have purchased books from Amazon and other online stores in the US many times, had them mailed here, went through customs, and never had any difficulty. If they ever say it again, and insist that the books are not...
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    Increase in Monotributo...up to 85% increase

    I don't recall seeing it either. It was, however, in the local news for quite some time. On the debito automatico...well...if you don't live here it does seem like a good option to be sure bills are paid.
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    Advice on opening a cocktail bar

    This was discussed here not so long ago If you have any doubts after reading that (you probably will), just ask.
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    URGENT!!! CUIL & Residencia Precaria

    You could also look into applying for the visa as a student. You would have to be enrolled in a university for a course that lasts more than 1 year. UBA is free except for postgraduate courses & languages.
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    Increase in Monotributo...up to 85% increase

    No warning? it's been on the news for at least 2 or 3 months. They "just took" the increased amount because you have débito automático. Débito automático is generally not a good idea in Argentina. You can pay all your services & taxes through That way you can control (and...
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    Any Argentinians on this site that relocated to Buenos Aires after living abroad?

    Sure. mini also said she would come. And other people that replied to this thread as well. All are welcome.
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    URGENT!!! CUIL & Residencia Precaria

    You can legally work with any temporary or permanent visa. You can not work with a transitory visa (tourist). Section 51 of the Immigrations Law (Nbr. 25.871) states that " Foreigners admitted or authorized as "permanent residents" may perform any remunerated or lucrative task or activity...
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    got harassed by the cops last night

    In fact, they were making Lavalle street safe to walk at night... Also, in another thread you posted today, you inform this forum that you also got drunk and were very obnoxious, to the point where you were asked to leave the restaurant you were in. Part of the police's work is to control...
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    Any Argentinians on this site that relocated to Buenos Aires after living abroad?

    Thursday afternoon I might be able to join. Please let me know where and when. Thanks.
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    books from usa

    If you're looking for used books in English, at a reasonable price, I suggest you contact Daniel, "thebookcellar". He has many books, and an online catalog (which i was unable to find now). His contact details are: Daniel Zachariah (from outside Argentina): +54-11-4786-2013; +549-11-5486-6151...
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    Shipping Artwork Overseas from Argentina

    Be sure that you have the appropriate license to export artwork from Argentina. For more information on how to obtain it you can see If it is a historic piece, you will need authorization from the Comisión Nacional de Museos y de...
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    Any Argentinians on this site that relocated to Buenos Aires after living abroad?

    Hello. I'm also Argentine, and have lived abroad for many years, though I have been back living in Argentina for quite some time now. Please let me know if you organize a get together. Saludos, Martin
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    Residence, Attorneys, DNI...Oh My!

    You can file your visa application while you're still in the US (especially convenient if you live near an Argentine consulate) or once you arrive in Argentina. The process is faster and cheaper if you file for your visa while still in the US. You will, however, need someone to apply for your...
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    Help you with what? Give us more information on what you specifically need.
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    Argentine Residency and Citizenship

    I think that he suggested to kill them (us) all. A solution that, for obvious reasons, I oppose. This is a much more interesting solution:
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    Argentine Residency and Citizenship

    To be able to apply for citizenship you must first be a permanent resident for at least 2 years. If you do not qualify for permanent residency directly, you would first have to apply for a temporary residency and after 3 years change your status to permanent. You obtain citizenship through a...
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    Argentine Residency and Citizenship

    El Queso, this is not exactly the case. You can get the migraciones card with just a certificate from the Bar Association (Colegio Publico de Abogados) stating that you are registered and licensed to practice law, and a copy of your DNI. The migraciones card does not mean that the holder has any...