Search results

  1. MizzMarr

    Fake nails??

    Hey glamour ladies (and gents?), I have a friend who wants to treat his lady to some hand pampering but doesn't know where to send her. I am clueless about this stuff but want to try to help--does anybody have recommendations for a nice salon where they do a good job putting on some nails...
  2. MizzMarr

    When and where will this end?

    Baby clothes are insanely expensive here, they cost as much as adult clothes most of the time. yikes indeed.
  3. MizzMarr

    Teeth Whitening

    wow--I don't know, while I appreciate as much as anybody an easy oral surgery, the fact that she gave you oral surgery without prior consent or even telling you what she was doing would be a huge red flag for me! Yikes.
  4. MizzMarr

    Turista Visa 1 Day - SeaCat

    If you're going to bother with the visa runs (it's anybody's guess and an individual's luck as to whether you encounter problems crossing, wherever you cross), Uruguay is a cool country with lots of fun and interesting places to check out. I suggest taking a long weekend and going somewhere...
  5. MizzMarr


    Akatraz on Rivadavia (near Medrano) is good, 10pin bowling with the standard sized balls (not the skeeball sized used some places). :)
  6. MizzMarr

    Does this monthly budget sound right to you?

    I'd say that she should be prepared to spend between 400-500 dollars (2000 pesos) on a private room in a decent shared apartment in a decent area (Almagro, for example). I'd say she'll be ok on that food budget if she almost always (90% of the time) cooks at home or eats on the cheap.
  7. MizzMarr

    Buenos Aires or Madrid

    Without knowing more about your situation... I, too, would go to Spain in a heartbeat. But you mentioned having a "love" here, so that could mean something else for you (depending on how seriously you use the word). BA in only a month is VERY deceptive! You would have to be here for at least...
  8. MizzMarr

    Takes one to know one....

    Yep those are the rose colored glasses coming off alright! I think it happens more seriously around the 2 year mark. I'd say that this is still a fun place for people to come on vacation, or live for maybe up to a year. Beyond that... I don't get why people are coming anymore. I, too, will...
  9. MizzMarr

    which medical insurance?

    Probably because it includes elective plastic surgery... :rolleyes:
  10. MizzMarr

    How smart are Argentine cats?

    yes! We have an amazing kitty here who we adopted from the street, and she's extremely smart. The other day we caught her trying to lift the lever lock on one of our windows so she could open it to get some fresh air and a closer look at the birds outside. She also learned to turn on the...
  11. MizzMarr

    Macaroni and cheese

    Personally I've tried and hated the boxed brands of mac and cheese here (especially coming from a taste for Annie's). I'd try Nikad's suggestion for a more fakey version than a homemade with noodles and the finlandia "cheddar", but otherwise maybe make an order from Amazon or get a visitor to...
  12. MizzMarr

    Construction noises from apartment next door

    I feel for you, but unfortunately I think that in general 7:30-8:00 am is a normal time to start construction projects here. I'd also recommend asking, and also finding out how long the obra will last, before you move. Between construction projects and incessantly barking dogs sometimes it's...
  13. MizzMarr

    Seasons in BA

    Spring because it's so beautiful and fresh, love the budding trees and improved attitudes of the people, and knowing that summer and warm weather is well on its way. Gorgeous time of year.
  14. MizzMarr

    Buenos Aires --> Santiago shipping

    Um, unfortunately subjecting the cat to air travel is not needless. If it were just a month or two I'd leave her here with a friend, but I'm not planning to come back to Buenos Aires for the foreseeable future, and the cat is part of my family. She'll also fly from Santiago to the States after...
  15. MizzMarr

    Short Term Rental? has good apartments for short term rentals. :)
  16. MizzMarr

    Buenos Aires --> Santiago shipping

    Hey all. This is more about Santiago than BsAs, but I was wondering if anybody has any tips on shipping goods (via bus or other landbased manner between Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires? My partner and I are going to be heading over there for several months time, and I'm thinking of shipping...
  17. MizzMarr

    What is your definition of an expat?

    For me, though I've been here going on six years, I do not consider myself a true "ex-pat" because I never have felt I truly belonged here nor was I going to consider Argentina a place of true permanent residency. I think I'd finally feel like an expat when I found a place outside of my home...
  18. MizzMarr

    Pregnancy in Buenos Aires

    Thanks for sharing your birthday story syngirl. I agree with your reasons about why not to exaggerate the LMP much--in certain cases when you KNOW as in mine I think it's ok, but I do think that women who have very long cycles (such as CarverFan it seems) do get the short end of the stick...
  19. MizzMarr

    Everyone has an iPad

    I agree with everybody here, and cannot imagine using a fancy ipad or the like on *the subway* egads, talk about making yourself a target. It's bad enough that sometimes to use a laptop in a café you should stake out a table that can't be seen from the street. I never feel comfortable walking...
  20. MizzMarr


    I, too, have had dreams about the grocery stores. Ahh, that cheese picture kills me, as does the $5.99 dungeoness crab. Mmm... As to cooking, you just have to be creative here. Of course you can't get everything you want and all the ingredients, but many things are here to enable decent to...