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  1. M

    Democrats Abroad In Argentina For Bernie Sanders

    But Wall st IS in an island! Dear Janis, Immigrants are ruining this country My toupee doubles as a panache Yours in solidarity The Donald
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    Starbucks Vs A Good Old Cafeteria.

    Starbucks is a very good lounge franchise. Can t wait yo see their transition into hotel by the hour. They offer comfy furniture, clean restrooms, connectivity, power plugs and a smile even in the most hostile of environments. I had no idea they claimed to put coffee in their caramel...
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    A Little Thing That Makes Me Crazy

    I thought fries were more Belgian than French. But of course it's likely Belgium might not exist at all...
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    Domestic Flight Without Passport?

    Naturally, why would anyone need a passport if already made it to Shangri La? In fact keeping your passport should be seen by the authorities as a suspicious sign of flight risk! But not to worry I hear there are plans to build a wall to keep taxpayers and captive TV audiences from abandoning...
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    Anyone Used The Service "miami A Tu Casa" ??

    Bravo! Let s not allow contrabando ruin this otherwise honest society. Would you define or translate the sin of contra-bando for me? Im not as wise and worldly as a scrive but it sounds like people in Arg have been selling weapons to Balkan and South Ametican nations or perhaps even buying and...
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    Is Donald Trump The Next U.s. President ?

    What is the difference between the American voter and a trained TV audience? All hail president Kroll and his glorious new regime
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    The Uncertain Future Of Mate?

    In fact the opposite is the case. Still you should apologize to a hybrid para+uru Guayan Jesse Jackson for your cultural appropriation. If you think that brand of Mate is conspicuous or its mascott ambiguous check out "Club Mate". For further fun find out how long s been popular and in...
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    A Little Thing That Makes Me Crazy

    LOL!!! It's like being called an idiot out loud in the middle of the street.
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    Democrats Abroad In Argentina For Bernie Sanders

    In what way is this entire thread not spam?
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    The Uncertain Future Of Mate?

    Notice he also insulted Gauchos and Paraguayans alike: Falsely stereotyped Argentines and deeply offended all Urugayans:
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    The Uncertain Future Of Mate?

    Thank you for your contribution. People in Santa Cru' must be very healthy. The opposite is the case: B*ing and watching football is free and coffee and cigarettes remain rather un-expensive in Argentina No. Uruguayans are wealthy enough. That's a gaucho alright. Many gauchos had First...
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    Argentinian Man Dies During Sex With Scarecrow

    Ok so nobody has said it, instead the thread derailed into "Gender Theory" and for some reason taking the Royal Family down a notch. So I will: QUE PAJERO!!!
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    Good Tea

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    Good Tea

    That's a real problem in Buenos Aires. Just switch to loose leaves so you can actually see and smell what you're about to drink.... Factory sweepings is not an exaggerated description of the content of la virginia/etc tea bags. Go ahead, open one and take a look.
  15. M

    Money Transfer In And Out Argentina

    I tried the search engine but the topic was locked. Save Bitcoin and bank wire: What is the easiest, fastest, way to send a small amount of money from Argentina to USA? Does Western Union even work? Paypal? etc... Thanks a lot
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    Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals

    What you be meaning by that bra?
  17. M

    Urban Transportation Solutions.

    If the entire post is not a joke then this person's glasses are exaggeratedly tinted. Have you tried citibike yet? Drivers just fall over each other to let a bicycle pass, and when you hear the colorful exp<b></b>ressions you know it's because of you! :)
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    English Speaking Al-Anon Or Acoa Groups?

    When I hear of AA groups I feel honestly a lot of pity for the concept of medically real, or imagined, of a recovered alcoholic, that is someone who believes, rightly or not, that he or she is not able to handle a drink. Cheers! No idea what those two specific sects of Christianity have to do...
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    Life in USA vs. Argentina

    That's a really well maintained lawn, Steve!
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    Venezuela: Chaos Drives Move For Dolarization Of Economy

    I read the article. This is fantasic,. the logical evolution and climax of the Socialist revolution is the emergence of a decent Nomenklatura, much like the climax of the feudal system is the eventual emergence of a bourgeoisie. They took only 15 years in achieving Cuba's standard of...