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  1. Z

    Anyone used "Atención Rápida" for new DNI & passport?

    Better call Saul.....I'm sure there is an avenue...... sometimes they are just difficult to find.........good luck
  2. Z

    Venting on BAexpats...'s just that venting is such a bitch....and.....actually solves very little
  3. Z

    Venting on BAexpats...

  4. Z

    Reduced flight schedules and current entry / exit requirements

    Sorry to say but it's not unique to Argentina ...... that delusional denial exists even more so in the states, primarily the red ones like texas and has been heavily covered by the media, such as when Miami was recently shut down.
  5. Z

    Reduced flight schedules and current entry / exit requirements

    regarding the 2 hour PCR results...... maybe in CABA, but certainly not in Texas.....I could get the antigen test back in a time frame of a couple hours to 2 days, depending on where I $250+ (US) ...the best I could get on PCR was ''possibly" in 2 days, but more than likely 3 days...
  6. Z

    Reduced flight schedules and current entry / exit requirements

    OK......besides being incredibly selfish.....what if your own immune system isn't up to the task ?'s referred to as social responsibility, and it is respected in civilized cultures.
  7. Z

    Dollar Value Predictions 2021/2022

    Thanks for pointing out that oversight.....concern level receding
  8. Z

    Dollar Value Predictions 2021/2022

    I can't believe that anybody would quote trump as a believable, and knowledgeable source for anything.
  9. Z

    Covid test without DNI?

    on numerous occasions I have entered my passport number and it was accepted.... the DNI is 8 digits, and my passport is 9 simply neglected the last digit and seems to work.....once I've cleared that hurdle, I can address the issue....good luck.
  10. Z

    borders closed with judicial endorsement

    Your scenario represents the problem with hypothetical can make anything up and present it as a legitimate possibility.....if you had documented proof of such an infraction, it would bear consideration....hypothetical mental meandering cannot ever be considered in real life...
  11. Z

    Calls Buenos Aires - US

    Google Voice is excellent, but you must load it before you leave the US, and link it with a US number.....I have used it for several years....having loaded the app while in the US, it treats me as though I am constantly in the can call land lines and mobile #'s......all...
  12. Z

    Would you like to spend the rest of your life in Argentina?

    I do not consider my life as a ROI !
  13. Z

    Would you like to spend the rest of your life in Argentina?

    just to be clear...... I was referring to quality of life and how much I'm enjoying myself
  14. Z

    Would you like to spend the rest of your life in Argentina?

    yes.....although I would have to admit that at various points of my life I would have responded......yes, I want to spend the rest of my life in Manhattan.... yes, I want to spend the rest of my life in San Rafael, Ca. .....Yes, I want to spend the rest of my life on my sailboat......and here I...
  15. Z

    Dollar Value Predictions 2021/2022

    the dollar will ''weaken'' ( not become weak, but weaken ) in the foreseeable future as a result of the US printing new money to combat the effects of covid-19 on the economy and citizens of the US ( I'm including citizens as a result of the change of administrations ) ....... some of the peaks...
  16. Z

    Cost of a ticket for international flights goes up due to a tariff increase...

    I see your point, but I think there may be more to begin with, my observation was not meant as a ''quid pro quo'' but simply pointing out that fees, taxes and levy's are's not a matter of Argentine with everything, you have to consider the timing.....I can't...
  17. Z

    Cost of a ticket for international flights goes up due to a tariff increase...

    if you're going to whine and complain, understand the protocols beyond your myopic one has mentioned the heavy cost of a US visa vs. the ''welcome for free'' Argentine tourist visa....the cost for US visas are expensive, and a large portion must be paid at the initial application...
  18. Z

    How many people are contributing to this forum?

    Although I was never a significant contributor, I, ( and I'm sure a number of others ), just got caught on the wrong side of the fence when the borders closed down...... can't wait to get back, the meantime..... just sort of caught up in a ''time-warp'' where nothing we say really...
  19. Z

    Argentina re-opening international flights in August!

    com on, Gracielle...the logic is's easier to maintain social distancing while you are wear a mask while you are are not passing people and breathing heavily (sans a mask) while walking......we have to be will all come back if we...
  20. Z

    Argentina re-opening international flights in August!

    Well misrepresented by the geniuses in the White House