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  1. splaying

    Posting Your Picture To Your Baexpats Forum Pages

    Are you saying something negative against Dr. Christian Rubilar? Have you met the man in person? Do you understand the great work he has been able to accomplish for people? I do not think sir that I really understand what you are trying to tell me---and why is it you do not post your real...
  2. splaying

    Posting Your Picture To Your Baexpats Forum Pages

    Do you feel people would speak in a more civil tongue if required to show who they are? Would they represent themselves differently? Why do so many people in this group who call themselves adults have to hide behind silly little pictures? I have looked at this site for a long time now - It...
  3. splaying

    Getting A Dog

    Does anyone know where I might be able to purchase a Papillon? I have had owned them in the past but not here in Argentina. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you. walter
  4. splaying

    Don't Cry For Growth --- Argentina

    Take a look at this video -- Don't Cry for Growth - Argentina -- in today's Financial Times Newspaper by going to -- videos are on the rights side of the page -- scroll down to them. John Authers has written for the Times for many years. Here is an interview with him and the Chief...
  5. splaying

    I Need An English Speaking Professional To Supervise My Exam

    I rather doubt I qualify however I am retired from the New York Stock Exchange -- I would be happy to assist you if you felt I could do so for you. Let me know. walter
  6. splaying

    Ba Cultural Life

    I got in line at 9:30 AM - the line was at the end of the building -- within 30 minutes it was well around the back of the building. I still was able to receive seating. The performances are about an hour in length. They are well done and well attended. You figure Teatro Colon has 3542 seats...
  7. splaying

    Fibertel Internet Speed

    This is enlightening --- I came up with 3.08 Mbps and 0.26 Mbps they rated me a D+ I have sent the data to my landlady - however in reality what can she expect to get from Telecentro? Thank you walter
  8. splaying

    Meeting Ba Locals?

    Hey guy I too am from the states - live here half the year - know some folks - perhaps can show you some things too - live with someone almost half my age who lived with me during his college years - perhaps the two of us can point you in the right direction too. BA is a fun city.. it is alive...
  9. splaying

    Ba Cultural Life

    organic street market in Palermo woods tomorrow from 10 A to 6 P Liberatador 3330 fresh foods; samples of more than 600 foods and sales at promotional prices. perhaps of interest to some of you. it was also held today too
  10. splaying

    Help - Rentista Visa - 8000 Peso/month

    I might be able to give assistance but are there two people involved here or one with a second person commenting on the subject. Then how important is it for you to obtain the citizenship? How fast does it need to be done? At what cost are you willing to pay to have it actually and I repeat...
  11. splaying

    When Will The Peso Hit 10?

    Compra: Venta: 10.04 10.08 Wouldn't it now be a good idea to raise the bar to say lucky "13" -- we should be there soon enough .. 3 months ago it was 6 now 10 I am sure we can reach higher plateaus soon too. What are your opinions?
  12. splaying

    Want To Plug Gps Into Electrical Outlet -

    Well I charged it -- it lasted ten minutes or so. I bought the GPS for $130 USD -- The GPS I have is extremely light. it did not work well in that it did not recognize one way streets at all. The one I have in the STATES is a larger unit works very well. Perhaps next time will bring it --...
  13. splaying

    When Will The Peso Hit 10?

    May 7, 2013 Compra: Venta: 10.01 10.05
  14. splaying

    Want To Plug Gps Into Electrical Outlet -

    No, I have already been to Chile -- I bought this unit at the airport on arrival for my travels in that country. I wish to use it while walking here in BA or for other travels here in the country. Thank you for inquiring.
  15. splaying

    Ba Cultural Life

    I think the person named "DontMindMe" has a good point -- it is true these forums get pushed down quickly unless people keep reviving them constantly. Perhaps this is why the webmasters have decided to see how this topic would be approached in the forum. If high receptivity it would be easy...
  16. splaying

    Robbed And In Need!

    It seems to me the incident took place last April so I see little relevancy in offering to sell something to this person at this point in time. But on the situation of Robbery -- this past Sunday I was on my way to San Martin Square on Saturday morning around 930am -- I had to switch from the B...
  17. splaying

    Want To Plug Gps Into Electrical Outlet -

    Well All, On a small street here in Villa Crespo I was able to find the USB cord needed for 15 pesos. Young man tried a couple then found a match. Thus a happy conclusion. Now to test it to see if all works according to Hoyle. Thank All of you for your ideas too. Especially enjoyed knowing...
  18. splaying

    Ba Cultural Life

    Bares Notables -- look this up in Wikipedia and other locations Notable bars are 73 bares2 located within the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina that feature being the most representative of the city.Many of them have been officially recognized as a Cultural heritage of the city of Buenos Aires...
  19. splaying

    Want To Plug Gps Into Electrical Outlet -

    As I need to use it on an ongoing basis -- borrowing one would not be very helpful. Since I live here - I have no hotel connections too. I am sure by looking around the city I can come up with the exact product.
  20. splaying

    Want To Plug Gps Into Electrical Outlet -

    I found a person in Talca who had all the gear -- he directed me to get the device to plug to the wall but that cable the end which fits into the gps is of the wrong size -- therefore I need a proper cable.. that product did have a plug to the wall so really all I need is the cable itself or as...