Search results

  1. scottlyon

    Tartan day in capital.. la colectividad escocesa

    Possilpark?? I thought that was pronounced Posso! Oddly small neighbouring communities - I'm sure our six degrees of separation just went to one or two :)
  2. scottlyon

    Tartan day in capital.. la colectividad escocesa

    I'll happily muse over the profound nuggets of clarity which Glaswegian culture has brought to this world via language all day glasgowjohn - you can take the boy out of Ruchill...!
  3. scottlyon

    Fuse boxes and how to change fuses

    Hi all, Had a power cut last evening due to unplugging something from the wall. Everything is fine and well except that the 'crabtree' appears to have been blown (Quite possibly the fuse for that room too). I've located the fusebox and see the two fuses I've mentioned at the off position. Well...
  4. scottlyon

    Tartan day in capital.. la colectividad escocesa

    She's pure gallus man!
  5. scottlyon

    Tartan day in capital.. la colectividad escocesa

    Sounds promising, see you there perhaps!
  6. scottlyon

    Another Moving Sale

    The Claude Benard boots will sell. If only for a couple of pesos.
  7. scottlyon

    It's time for a New Life...

    I am disappoint. Popcorn finished. Should probably get a keg in, boomerang effect. davidb0rquez, what does your partner do? Two earners are better than one!
  8. scottlyon

    It's time for a New Life...

    Glad to hear you've got direction going on davidb0rquez! Now if you don't mind, I'll just grab some popcorn and be over in the corner enjoying watching this thread for a bit.
  9. scottlyon

    In need of...

    He could save himself the air fare from London and just pick up one there.
  10. scottlyon

    Any Techies Out There To Edit YouTube Demo?

    Post a link to the YouTube video, explain from when till when in the timeline of the original you want missing and I'll repost it onto YouTube for you (For free). Do it here or via PM. I'll have it back to you by tomorrow.
  11. scottlyon

    I was called a racist!

    Odd friends you keep David. I think your partner might benefit from experiencing things first-hand, however it is better to share lessons from mistakes than allow them to happen again. As for your 'friend' from Chicago...has he ever went beyond the borders of the US? First-hand understanding...
  12. scottlyon

    Looking for English IT training

    Hi madmaxer, You might get more assistance from the group if you state which specifics of IT you are interested in and what type of certificate you hope to gain from study. Information technology is a very wide field these days and what you hope to achieve with it varies wildly depending upon...
  13. scottlyon

    Different Spanish Accents

    Hey Eclair, I'm not sure about the sexual relations part but rec room is short for recreational room; a playroom and no-one has pronounced Nike correctly since the fall of Ancient Greece. In Britain Nike is pronounced the way that Mike and bike are pronounced - by a great many people. You are...
  14. scottlyon

    Anyone have Fibertel Wideband?

    So not worth it then? That tale of torrenting whilst streaming and having other devices connected isn't quite correct? Again, if I may ask; how much is it and what channels come with it?
  15. scottlyon

    Different Spanish Accents

    I'm in the opposite boat. I was born and brought up in Scotland and originally learned pigeon Catalanesque Spanish. Argentinian Spanish with it's very different way of being pronounced always catches me out and I feel I must 'pretend' in order to be understood. It's a lot of fun though.
  16. scottlyon

    Anyone have Fibertel Wideband?

    I've tried to research this however it seems an unwritten rule that images are used instead of text on core Argentian websites which makes Google translate useless. How much is the Evolution connection per month and what channels do you get with it? Sorry for the newb question - I have tried...
  17. scottlyon

    Long Waits at Ezeiza

    Keep away from Lima if you are wanting to get to Miami - I met people there who had been delayed for three days (Miami was their final destination). I also try to make sure there's at least 6 hours between connecting flights (I still have the Europe leg to do and can't be too sure).
  18. scottlyon

    Hola chicos!

    I'm still learning the language and culture of Argentina but thought I'd drop in and say thank you for the diverse range of posts here which have helped me out no end so far. See you around the forums!
  19. scottlyon

    Default Internship In Microfinance/Online Journalism (Buenos Aires)

    Nice site, good international feel to it, rings to NGO non-profit bells and certainly could be a go-er. I'm not putting myself forward for an 'internship' as working for free isn't as much fun as playing for free, however here's a couple of free tips for you. 1) Step away from the Adobe...