Search results

  1. lela

    Massive home sale

    hello, what plants do you have ? very heavy ? would love some... any pictures ?
  2. lela

    Who cooks at home now, more?

    i enjoy walking the streets and shop fresh produce (i am a perscetarian) every day when walking my poochies, i also have a great once-a-week market here in las heras i go and buy fish ( abadejo 45.- kg!!) and cheese (sardo 27.- kg), cereal mix very cheap etcetc. i cook every now and then...
  3. lela

    Expat Meetup- Let's have a picnic! December 10th

    you and i on a picnic??? yessssssssss... i made pickles!!! see you:D
  4. lela

    Expat Meetup- Let's have a picnic! December 10th

    hey, i promise they will behave... will be already out'n'bout when coming... they know difference between people food and doggy munchies... L
  5. lela

    Any recommendations for a veterinarian in Palermo?

    ps: just saw your pet is a cat, fede is good with cats too, maybe even easier as he comes to your home...
  6. lela

    Anyone know a reliable pet sitter?

    the place i used to bring my dogs for vacation (pilar) has a place in nunez for cats only. they are veryvery reliable altho' not that cheap too... contact marisa and javier 15-6493-0866, you can check out petville punto com punto ar and on FB too! hope i could help, L
  7. lela

    Any recommendations for a veterinarian in Palermo?

    i am here with my two small dogs, one has always little and sometimes real big problems with her stomach. a great help was a mobil vet i contacted way before moving here, his name is federico curra gagliano 15-5887-8961. he comes right to your home and its just a little bit more expensive. but...
  8. lela

    Good hairdresser anybody!?!?

    do you, or anyone, know if that swiss hair dresser is still here , she was in san telmo. i think claudia was her name ... ? thank you all... :confused: <<< mine and my san telmo friends hair!
  9. lela

    Peruvian restaurants

    extremely great!!! :rolleyes:
  10. lela

    can anyone explaine me the "dólar informal" ex-change rate

    hello all, thank you for all the comments, it worked well out! my land lady did agree to a "regular" dollar exchange and as well we are OK with the electricity / gas bills! thanks for all the info provided!!! L :)
  11. lela

    can anyone explaine me the "dólar informal" ex-change rate

    thank you for the info, i did read re. the subsidies and no, its all included in my current contract, but as you say, keep the peace ... i like my land lady and i do love the place. i had terror before, no need for anther one. but again, there is a "land-lord-situation" and i do understand...
  12. lela

    can anyone explaine me the "dólar informal" ex-change rate

    hello all, i was informed today by my land lady that she would have to charge my rent with the current 4.75 "dólar informal" ex-change rate. the bank mid exchange rate today is 4.27 to my information. she also mentioned, that she would have...
  13. lela

    Expat Meetup- Let's have a picnic! December 10th

    would love to join as well, come with two small dogs, keep me updated, L
  14. lela

    Apartment deposit question?

    make sure, you dont do the return-deposit-deal 2 min before hopping in the taxi to the airport. some will take advantage and charge you for non-sense. so happen to a friend of mine, agent charged 300USD for a broken curtain support, even tho' they had a picture from their 1st day proving it was...
  15. lela

    American in Recoleta

    hi david, i moved 1 year ago with my two mud's samba & tango to bsas and also still love it! i saw you once with your huuuuge dog, wilmer. we spoke shortly over dogs, i think it was about a month ago... he is really big! LOL maybe we can meet somewhere for coffee ... yours, lela ps: great blog!
  16. lela

    Small-sum transfers from US to Arg bank?

    i use supervielle bank with credit card cash advances. a max of USD3000.- can be taken out, you only need to bring along your passport and CC , takes about a 30/40 min, they dont charge anything, its only your banks charge back home.
  17. lela

    Carwash in Palermo Soho?

    hey miles, i usually go to the one next to the rail ways on goritti and there is one as well goritti and thames ( i think) but around there, in the corner... good luck L
  18. lela

    Polo This PM? Have room in my car.

    hey miles, missed you today, was there, was great fun!!! guess finals are on saturday, not sunday ??? hope to hear from you once in a while again, besoo L
  19. lela

    Looking for gym

    hey, with this weather now i prefer to work out outdoors, check : its a fun group and easy access for you from where you live, lela