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  1. A

    Private Spanish tutor for accent reduction

    i guess it depends on how good an ear one has. Every province I've been to so far had it's own, intonations certainly differ wildly by region even within one province. Even in BA province itself they speak differently, way less drawl than in BA. Certainly way less lunfardo use in most provinces...
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    Private Spanish tutor for accent reduction

    actually if you mostly communicate with the natives, the slang does become natural, can't be helped...not so much the accent, but intonations might stick as well...certainly happens after a couple of weeks in Spain, you catch yourself talking the way Gallegos do :)
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    Private Spanish tutor for accent reduction

    way Missiones Salta or Sun Juan you wouldn't even know you are in Agr if you are used to Rioplatense...even 'vos' is not used in many places
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    Calls Buenos Aires - US landline and cell application. you can put your numbers on speed dial and it's a one touch from the cell app.
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    Private Spanish tutor for accent reduction

    Don't waste your time and money. If you can't mimic or at least improve your accent by simply paying attention to how Rio Platense sounds, there is no chance any tutor will help. Native English speakers are the least likely ones to lose their accent in castellano, next only to asians. Your buddy...
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    Merry Christmas to all Expats in Beautiful Argentina

    I am aware of that. the poster i replied to said 'drive'. By the time you get to/from the train stations on each end you''ll not save much time vs driving. On top of it train is expensive and way less convenient. So it's 6 hours either way from Marbella to Madrid.
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    Borders remain closed

    i can go any time, i have a perm residency, but there is no tango, which is the whole point for me, so I'll camp here till it's resumed... keep us posted on any developments...
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    Borders remain closed

    You should be able to, BC announced that by the end of the summer everyone who wants one will get one, and AB's population is 700K less than BC. Ah, kinda envy you for being there in the sun, gloomy here...But I'll take a rain check till next fall...
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    Borders remain closed

    They just found a way to replace the reciprocity fee that was removed by macri's govt...I am sure it'll stick around - if not increase - once they open the borders for tourism para el caso de visitas no permanentes (2), la gestión debe hacerse en la Dirección Nacional de...
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    Borders remain closed

    Fingers crossed you won't get stuck there for another 8 months after you will have finished with your arrangements...So you can get Moderna or Pfizer here as opposed to Sputnik V - if you opt to get a shot that is. Enjoy the summer break :)
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    Borders remain closed

    per person. doesn't apply to argies or permanent residents, only foreigners that are currently allowed into the country.
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    Borders remain closed

    holy it's a punishment for being a direct relative of their national?
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    Merry Christmas to all Expats in Beautiful Argentina

    Madrid is a couple hours drive away? how do you cover 600 km in a couple of hours? And with radars on every turn on the highway.
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    Borders remain closed

    supposedly for the processing of the Covid related paperwork. you never ask 'what for' in argentina - the answer is 'because they can'.
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    Borders remain closed

    so very glad you made it, cheers.
  16. A

    Borders remain closed

    Primero, el Gobierno dispuso dos nuevos requisitos obligatorios para todos aquellos que ingresen a la Argentina desde el exterior (sean residentes o no): deberán contar con un estudio PCR negativo realizado en las 72 horas previas al vuelo (caso contrario, deberán hacerlo en Ezeiza) y, una vez...
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    Borders remain closed

    even if the flights are not cancelled, the poor kids will need a second PCR for the re-entry to argentina. Can you guys come up with some trick to justify not letting them go? The way Arg govt acts is so irrational, the rules might change a few dozen times between now and february. Last thing...
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    Tourism open yet?

    i'd assume some might have not had the papers confirming direct family relatives in arg? other than that you only need a PCR and a declaration, right?
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    Tourism open yet?

    ahhh that's unfortunate. let's hope you make it, this news of some people being kicked off the plane in US is not very inspiring...
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    Borders remain closed

    that's great, then just relax and enjoy it. i understand that you miss your son, but with the 'no rhyme or reason' way argentine officials operate, it's better to wait till the restrictions are removed before you try another entry.