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  1. M

    Do you fear a crash similar to 2001?

    Bajo, For years you defended the last government. Years! When they were selling the dollar for $9, when it was really $15... where were you with all of these comments about the leaders being corrupt? For years I read you defend them. Now, with this government, you suddenly realize that selling...
  2. M

    Uber Is Live In Ba

    There are a few people posting here against Uber that in the past have talked about how the lack competition here hurts the country as a whole and how consumers suffer the consequences. However, one thing they are not up front about is that they have skin in the game - i.e. own taxi medallion...
  3. M

    Bsas Colectivo/bus Routes Are Now On Google Maps

    Its already here - at least for some of the buses. I use it every day for the 102 and the 67. Go here: The only bad thing is the app is only for Android. That being said, I have the website in my browser favorites of my Iphone. It is a GREAT!
  4. M

    Whats The Best Neighborhood For 27 Year Old Female?

    I'm 50 and live in Recoleta and it is great! Beautiful buildings, very few broken sidewalks and very safe. However, if I were 27, I would never live here. They are right - go to Palermo. As for the Starbucks comments - don't listen to them. The coffee here sucks. Granted, that they would be...
  5. M

    So Much For The Sanctity Of Institutions

    "A contract will be considered illegal at its formation when it is incapable of performance without an illegal act. Contracts falling into this category cannot be enforced. Where a contract is illegal when formed, neither party will acquire rights under that contract, regardless of whether there...
  6. M

    So Much For The Sanctity Of Institutions

    This is a rather odd answer to my question. You simply point out an example where it did not happen. So if I point out two more examples than you have pointed out where a contract based on illegal acts and was voided - that will make my argument right? I can sure we can both point out case after...
  7. M

    So Much For The Sanctity Of Institutions

    OK. I'll take that... but only if you explain. You're saying a contract based on an illegal act is binding? Please explain. As I wrote, I'm assuming they were able to find what he did was illegal. So please... provide case law or point me the section of the uniform commercial code that states...
  8. M

    So Much For The Sanctity Of Institutions

    For me, all the state has to do is prosecute (and win) a case against Vanoli. Once they can prove that his actions were illegal, they can (assuming Argentine law is similar to the States) declare the contracts void. A contract cannont be based on an illegal act. I think the government could do...
  9. M

    What Will We Argue About With Cfk Gone??!

    I still have something to argue / complain about - she's moving 2 blocks away from me. I really can't see her lasting in this area. She made the people that live her feel so unwelcome for so long, that I'm sure she will get the cold shoulder any around her that she goes. I can see many...
  10. M

    Ding Dong' The Merry-Oh, Sing It High, Sing It Low.

    Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low. Let them know The Wicked Witch is dead! As of today, I have been here 10 years and 12 days. Of those years, I been longing for this day for at least 8 of them.
  11. M

    Pastrami On Rye Anyone...??

    OK, Nikad, it's quite a schlep, but I'll give it a try next week. Thanks. Michael
  12. M

    Pastrami On Rye Anyone...??

    I have been Jonesing for some pastrami lately. On the suggestion put forth on this group I went to Malvón yesterday. It was OK, but it was not what I think of when I think of a pastrami (i.e., Katz like flavor). Has anyone been to both Malvón & La Crespo? It is quite a long haul for me to get...
  13. M

    Macri: The 11 Of December There Will Be One Dollar

    Don't even go there Gringoboy. The guy is a not worth the eye strain involved in reading his gibberish. I assume, or at least hope that, he and the rest of his rodent friends crawl back into their holes. As Ben pointed out above, with Vanoli and his clan selling their country down the river...
  14. M

    Macri: The 11 Of December There Will Be One Dollar

    Where were all of your comments about Cristina and what her government was doing the past 8 years? The abuse of powers over the past 8 years has been so evident to everyone - except you and a few others (we know who they are without naming them). To most arguments, you simply answer by pointing...
  15. M

    Political Activism In The Streets

    Yeah, post the pics. Where I live we really don't see any of that. I see paid posters put up by both parties, and they often get defaced. That, at least for me, is a no-no. Trash put up by a local idiots - That I am all for removing.
  16. M

    Political Activism In The Streets

    As much as I dislike the Campora - a dislike that might be confused for outright hatred... I could never support removing their propaganda. Perhaps it is necessary, but I just can't stoop to their level.
  17. M

    Meet Up For Kids Around Age 6?

    In Recoleta there is a very nice park - Plaza Vicente Lopez. I have been to quite a few and it is by far the best one I have seen in the city. We go almost every day. I have a 5 year-old boy. PM me and I'll pass on my information.
  18. M

    Compare This (Mayweather/pacquiao) With This (Hagler/hearns)

    Dating myself a bit, but if you have never seen it, it is well worth the 3 minutes. As they opening song to All In The Family said... "Those were the days."
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    Mayweather Vs Pacquiao Fight

    Now this was a true fight. In fact, it was the best fight I have ever seen. I remember watching this at the time in disbelief. (Hagler vs. Hearns)
  20. M

    Thursday Coffee Chat - 16 April, 4-7Pm (Palermo)

    I'm up for a cup of coffee.