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  1. sesamosinsal

    Election In A Nutshell

    I know what you're talking about. It's this sort of Argentine self-loathing. It goes way back: And Capusotto illustrates the attitude quite well in his videos: I was talking to a psychologist in my building about this...
  2. sesamosinsal

    Election In A Nutshell

    Basically, what happens in this scenario is a massive official devaluation (to slowdown imports) and massive price inflation (as imported products soar and nationally-produced, exportable products rise to incentivize local producers to sell local rather than to global, developed markets [e.g...
  3. sesamosinsal

    Need Info On Marriage Procedure For American To Argentine

    - Americans need a visa to go to Paraguay, FYI. - What visa does she have now? If it's a tourist visa and she's wanting to return to the U.S. to live, she cannot return to the U.S. on a tourist visa and get permanent residency. In every case I've heard of...
  4. sesamosinsal

    This Is Argentina

    These changes will come with Macri or Scioli. I imagine some kirchneristas would prefer for Macri to be forced to implement them...
  5. sesamosinsal

    Election In A Nutshell

    Sorry, my original post was ambiguous -- I was referring to the governor's race.
  6. sesamosinsal

    Election In A Nutshell

    It is very, very surprising that FVP lost BA Province. I never saw that coming. I knew something was wrong when they delayed publishing the official results. At about 11:57 or so, Alak came out on live TV and kept talking, talking, talking -- It became quite clear to me that they were buying...
  7. sesamosinsal


    So, by your standards, Macri is also a peronista. http://www.bubblear....oing-peron-ish/ - Good to know. There is no doubt that kirchnerismo has elements of peronismo, but it's not 100% peronismo. And even within peronismo, you have various different factions...
  8. sesamosinsal


    Noesdeayer: First and foremost, we can have a general notion of what conservatism is, which is more or less the definition you provide. However, at the end of the day, the definition is defined by the political context of the country. Secondly, your definition assumes 1) that Argentine...
  9. sesamosinsal

    Election In A Nutshell

    And since when do foreigners get to define what is conservative? I think it's safe to say that you can still be conservative and not bat shit crazy as they are in the U.S., for example. On the local political scale, he's definitely conservative.
  10. sesamosinsal

    Election In A Nutshell

    The first sentence is a run-on. I stopped there.
  11. sesamosinsal

    With Less Than 2 Weeks Until The Elections ...

    I agree with everything else you said, but I disagree on this point. We are all affected by corruption, whether it's in the private or public sector. If it's in the private sector, then it surely affects the company's productivity, the amount of people it can hire, how much it can pay its...
  12. sesamosinsal

    With Less Than 2 Weeks Until The Elections ...

    You need to look around a bit more. ;) There are many failures to note, but there are also lots of success stories from this government. For example: (Her story is also largely my partner's story... I imagine there are many others who share it)
  13. sesamosinsal

    With Less Than 2 Weeks Until The Elections ...

    Indeed. That's exactly my point. There is a lot of work to do, but not all of it is profitable for the private sector. Does it mean we shouldn't do it? If you think that my point is that Argentina is some Utopia, you're missing the point. This place isn't perfect. There is a lot of corruption...
  14. sesamosinsal

    With Less Than 2 Weeks Until The Elections ...

    Actually, very few people want what ElQueso wants. Austerity, weak regulation, and tax cuts have failed miserably. Just take a look around. Argentina has its problems, but having a government that seeks to keep the economic engine of the country going at all costs, even if it means high...
  15. sesamosinsal

    With Less Than 2 Weeks Until The Elections ...

    First of all, I think we need to scrap this notion that GDP somehow represents the amount of work that needs to be done (or is being done) in any given area. Here in Argentina and elsewhere, there is a lot of work that needs to be done, and completion of that work probably won't affect GDP...
  16. sesamosinsal

    With Less Than 2 Weeks Until The Elections ...

    It's not a bad idea.
  17. sesamosinsal

    With Less Than 2 Weeks Until The Elections ...

    Let's just imagine that 10 percent of the population is indeed employed by the Argentine state -- the real number isn't so relevant to the discussion. Let's also imagine (haha) that Macri wins, and cuts that number down to 3 percent. So, official unemployment jumps to 15 percent approximately...
  18. sesamosinsal

    Power Blackout In Recoleta & Palermo May Continue....!

    Macri does this fine just by himself. In the past couple of months, he's essentially become a kirchnerista, and that's because he and his policies are unelectable. Too little, too late, and if he had changed his tune a year ago, no one would probably believe him.
  19. sesamosinsal

    Power Blackout In Recoleta & Palermo May Continue....!

    So, you're saying that Cristina and her "minions" purposely cut the electricity in Recoleta -- It bears repeating: IN RECOLETA -- to get the people to change their votes from Macri to Scioli? Please. That makes about as much sense as Cristina killing Nisman.
  20. sesamosinsal

    Don't Learn From The Past? Future Repetition.

    ... Alright. I don't mean to be rude (sincerely), but what is your point?